UKIP scaremongers never learn. First Romania and Bulgaria, now Turkey?

Last Updated: February 4, 2016By

UKIP leader Nigel Farage in a clip from the controversial broadcast denouncing Turkey.

Of course UKIP’s party political broadcast was scaremongering about Turkey – look at that party’s record.

Remember the campaign before Romania and Bulgaria joined the EU, at the beginning of 2014? UKIP said we should expect at least 130,000 immigrants by June.

That false prediction was no less than 20 times greater than the end result. Over the turn of the year, immigration from those countries dipped by 4,000 – more were going out than coming in.

Now UKIP is trying the same trick with Turkey, claiming we’ll see around 15 million Turkish immigrants if that country is allowed to join.

On UKIP’s past record, you’d be a fool to believe that. And why not check Turkey’s economic track record? If it is better than those of Romania and Bulgaria, why would Turks want to leave any more than the people of those countries?

UKIP could have used the airtime to discuss some of the real issues of the UK’s EU membership. Instead we were fed this nonsense.

It seems the broadcast wasn’t so much about Turkey as it was a turkey in its own right.

Ukip has been accused of “baseless scaremongering” after it used a party political broadcast on the BBC to warn of the dangers of Turkey joining the EU, highlighting its Muslim population and claiming 15 million of its citizens could migrate to the UK.

The advert provoked a backlash from pro-EU campaigners and MPs, as well as claims of Islamophobia from Twitter users, some of whom said they were planning to report the party to Ofcom.

The four-minute Ukip advertisement warned about the number of “Islamic imam schools” in Turkey, highlighted the shrinking number of Christians, and showed a succession of images of minarets and women wearing headscarves.

It also reeled off a list of statistics about women suffering physical violence and a quarter marrying before the age of 18 as apparent justifications for why the country should not be allowed to join the EU.

Source: Ukip accused of scaremongering over ad denouncing Turkey | Politics | The Guardian

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  1. Barry Davies February 6, 2016 at 9:43 pm - Reply

    Oh dear a pro eussr person pretending that having Turkey in the eu would be a good thing for britain, this after all is a muslim nation that has closed its borders to the muslim refugees whilst the migrants from that area are all heading to western and northern europe.

    • Mike Sivier February 7, 2016 at 2:34 pm - Reply

      Are you referring to me?
      If so, then you are either deeply mistaken or deliberately trying to mislead. Which is it?
      I am NOT “pro eussr”. I do not acknowledge that term, as it is used by fascists. Readers can exercise their own judgement regarding your use of it.
      I have NOT pretended – or even suggested – that having Turkey in the EU would be good for Britain (or even the UK).
      I have merely pointed out that UKIP is scaremongering about the number of Turkish immigrants likely to come to the UK if it were to join the EU – based on the facts about Romania and Bulgaria.

  2. German February 12, 2016 at 3:12 am - Reply

    ‘It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion,” Hitler complained to his pet architect Albert Speer. “Why did it have to be Christianity, with its meekness and flabbiness?” Islam was a Männerreligion—a “religion of men”—and hygienic too. The “soldiers of Islam” received a warrior’s heaven, “a real earthly paradise” with “houris” and “wine flowing.” This, Hitler argued, was much more suited to the “Germanic temperament” than the “Jewish filth and priestly twaddle” of Christianity.

    • Mike Sivier February 12, 2016 at 7:19 pm - Reply

      I’m not sure I understand the relevance.

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