Diagram on How Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders Will Save America Money | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

Last Updated: February 17, 2016By


I found this diagram showing how electing Bernie Sanders as president would actually result in the American state and its people saving money.

If you want to see the original, it’s over at Sanders’ campaign website, BernieSandersDaily, at

I have no doubt that this is absolutely correct. Conservative claims that private enterprise is always more efficient than state-run enterprise, including welfare and healthcare, is profoundly wrong. It is better in certain areas, but in the sphere of public services it is woefully inadequate. In fact, it is immensely wasteful. Private healthcare companies in America waste up to 40% of their budget on management, advertising and legal advice.

Source: Diagram on How Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders Will Save America Money | Beastrabban\’s Weblog

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  1. mohandeer February 17, 2016 at 9:24 am - Reply

    I’ve been following Bernie Sanders over in the US, like Corbyn in the UK, the American people are fed up with having to pay for US wars with money that could be diverted to “useful” things like those shown on his blog site. So much of America is owned by corporations and private companies running utilities and outsourced social welfare programmes like healthcare, education, child care etc. Not so different from the UK.

  2. Nish February 29, 2016 at 9:21 am - Reply

    Can so much money can be saved by changing how healthcare works, and will the quality be the same

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