Department of Health tells Vote Leave campaign to stop using official NHS logo in its Brexit literature
How nice to see the Department of Health following This Blog’s article on Vote Leave’s misleading ‘NHS’ campaign leaflet – and ordering the Eurosceptics to cease and desist.
The NHS logo may only be used to support core values, one of which is that it must be honest.
Vox Political revealed last month that the claims in the Vote Leave leaflet are anything but honest.
Vote Leave has claimed the leaflet did not use the NHS logo – only an “approximation”. But millions of people will have received the leaflet and taken it at face value, meaning the organisation has inadvertently admitted its own dishonest behaviour.
But what else can we expect with creatures like Iain Duncan Smith, Michael Gove, Chris Grayling and Priti Patel fronting the campaign?
The Department of Health has told the Vote Leave campaign to stop using the official NHS logo in its Brexit literature as using the trademark breaches their guidelines.
The anti-EU group have distributed leaflets and letters bearing the famous white capital letters on a blue background with the message to “Save our NHS” in the top right corner. Underneath a large message to “Help protect your local hospital…” is the group’s slogan to “Vote Leave, take control” next to a red ballot box.
However, the NHS logo and letters are registered trademarks owned by the Department of Health to be used in accordance with its brand guidelines.
They can only be used in official NHS communications in support of NHS “core principles and values”, which include being “clear and professional”, “straightforward” and “honest” to avoid misleading information and false promises.
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It’s a shame they don’t denounce ATOS too for they must be passing through some misleading reports through to the DWP given the impact on many claimants or have serious misgivings on the quality of the ‘medical’ staff doing the assessments!
They are not using the NHS logo on the example you have shown, and why should the ministry of health run by the europhile Hunt suggest that they stop telling he truth I wonder?
They’re not telling the truth, though. They’re not even presenting facts.
I deliberately excised the NHS logo from that example – it would be in breach of the rules.
Which part of the truth is it you have a problem with Mike?
I have no problem with the truth – although I’m not a philosopher.
We deal in facts. I see very few coming from you.
Well I deal in facts not myths presented by a biased media or biased politicians and that is what I post.
No, you don’t.
ATOS seem to have been replaced by Maximus. The word ‘Medical’ has now been dropped. I am a highly qualified Hairstylist, expert in the treatment of dandruff and therefore eminently qualified for the new positions offered for assessing disabilities. My plumber husband is also thinking of applying, as he’s used to emergency calls and thinks his skills will be particularly valuable.