How 3ft 10in George took on the Government over benefit cut – and won

Last Updated: March 31, 2016By

160331GeorgeCoppenDerbyTelegraphNotice how the boss of Disability Direct is saying what we on the social media have for years – that people have been dying because of what the Tories call “reforms”.

And look at the research findings, saying the extra cost of living with a disability is £500 per month. Why, then, has the Conservative Government been trying to cut disabled benefit entitlement?

Elsewhere in the original story, Rob Barfield is right to say DLA (and now PIP) is not a benefit but compensation to cope with the costs of living with a disability.

A DERBY teenager with dwarfism and arthritis who took on the might of the Government after having his benefits slashed and his car taken away has won his fight.

George Coppen, 19, was left stunned when he received a letter saying he was losing 75 per cent of his disability living allowance (DLA) and his specially adapted car.

In desperation he turned to Derby-based disability charity Disability Direct which took on the case and represented him at tribunal – and he won.

Amo Raju, chief executive of Disability Direct, said: “You’ll find a good portion of disabled people living in poverty, way under the breadline, because the costs of being a disabled person are excruciatingly high.

“A lot of people have died, taken their own life, or their quality of life has suffered; it is a disgraceful outcome that disabled people are on the receiving end of Government cuts.

“I was involved in a national piece of work looking at the extra costs of living with a disability and you’re looking at an extra cost of £500 a month, so it’s cutting the benefits to the people who need them most.”

In the interests of balance – and because it shows the Tories up again – let’s have a look at the comment from the Department for Work and Pensions’ flunky:

A DWP spokesman said: “Just because a new decision has been made at appeal stage does not mean the previous decision was incorrect. In the majority of appeal cases, decisions are overturned because claimants have submitted more evidence.”

So they’re saying Mr Coppen may not have provided full information in the first place. Whose fault is that? The DWP’s.

Benefit claimants are asked to answer very specific questions, providing only the information they are required to give.

If the DWP’s decision has been overturned because of extra evidence, then the DWP needs to change its initial means of gathering information – the benefit claim form. That would be the sensible thing to do.

But then, is there anything sensible at all about the Department for Work and Pensions?

Source: How 3ft 10in tall George took on the Government over benefit cut – and won | Derby Telegraph

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  1. NMac March 31, 2016 at 10:22 am - Reply

    Well done to George.

  2. Brian March 31, 2016 at 1:14 pm - Reply

    “It is a disgraceful”, it is a disgraceful for the government of the day to not only allow, but to perpetrate such inhumane treatment on it’s citizens, when will this administration wake up to the fact they are condemning the most vulnerable in society to poverty and death.

    The populace is beginning to realize the callousness of this regime, and once they are gone there will be repercussions, the writing is on the wall for these heartless MP’s whose names will be forever spoken with disdain and infamy.

  3. mrmarcpc March 31, 2016 at 2:06 pm - Reply

    Nice one George!

  4. Terry Davies March 31, 2016 at 3:47 pm - Reply

    well done george. youre clearly s better man than the (george gideon) Osborne or any tories.

  5. John April 1, 2016 at 5:31 pm - Reply

    What I find hard to stomach and imagine (my brain literally has a hard job dealing with it), is that the complete and utter callousness and total INCOMPETENCE of the DWP and government, has been responsible for the extreme hardship/death/suicide of a large number of the british public (both disabled and able-bodied).

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