Steel: Tories lied when they said they had talked with Tata

Last Updated: April 1, 2016By
[Image: UK News.]

[Image: UK News.]

In an election year it’s good to know that when an entire industry is at stake, Conservative ministers can be relied on – to lie about what they’re doing.

Yesterday, David Cameron told the world his government had been in talks with Tata Steel over the future of the company’s UK assets.

Cameron said yesterday (March 31):

“This industry is in difficulty right across the world. There’s been a collapse in prices, there’s massive over capacity but we’re doing everything we can.

“We were concerned that there was the chance that there could have been an outright closure of Port Talbot and that is why we work very hard with the company to make sure there is a proper sales process.

His words gave the impression that the Conservative Government had been in contact with Tata over the future of the UK steel operation.

There had been no such dialogue:

Tata steel has had no contact with senior government ministers since they announced they were selling its UK assets, ITV News has learned.

Correspondent Romilly Weeks told News At Ten: “Incredibly sources within Tata are telling us that they have had no contact, at this crucial juncture for the British steel industry, with any senior government ministers today.”

The British side of Tata Steel is currently losing £1 million a day and could close altogether if a buyer – or several buyers – are not found soon.

Source: ITV News

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  1. Barry Davies April 1, 2016 at 3:30 pm - Reply

    The old adage how do you know cameron is lying, his lips are moving is the truth in every utterance he makes.

  2. mrmarcpc April 1, 2016 at 3:30 pm - Reply

    Of course they lied, they’re conservatives, hence Con in their name, biggest conmen and liars of all!

  3. Michael Broadhurst April 1, 2016 at 4:40 pm - Reply

    so whats new,every word that comes out of his gob is a lie.

  4. Brian April 1, 2016 at 6:41 pm - Reply

    So, Cameron is a liar. This is unbelievable, that we have a Prime Minister who lies to cover himself and his MP’s. Surely this will be recorded, that David Cameron is a liar of the highest caliber. So that when he is asked, or joined, with IDS in the dock, he can try and wriggle out of it, by saying, I have no knowledge of that. But then we know, that would be a lie.

  5. shawn April 1, 2016 at 7:01 pm - Reply

    I’ve suspected for a while that the Prime Minister says what he’s told by his, 130 or so publically funded, P.R. gurus tell him the public want to hear. Whether his response is true, false or half-truth is not the point, it’s to be seen to give the response the public want to hear that matters. The actual truth of his statement will matter less than saying nothing or the wrong thing. He knows that with time a lot people’s attention will be on to the next big thing and the predominantly Tory media will either bury the problem or distort matters to the extent that most people will not what he did (or did not) do or what exactly the issue was about.
    The junior doctor’s strike is a case in point. Cameron and his media chums say its about pay, the junior doctors say its about pay, hours, quality of service staff retention and recruitment, to name but a few of the issues under contention . Now as most newspapers have to be short, ‘doctors strike over pay’, tends to win the day. Quite why TV news readers follow the news prints’ example is odd, but they do tend to. Furthermore, as main stream news reports prefer to merely report what each side says; rather, than investigate the detail, he can lie and get away with it – well for so long anyway and after that moment is where a Corbyn or Sanders step-in, as opposed to the Tory-lite Labour party planned by those in power.

  6. Jones April 1, 2016 at 10:08 pm - Reply

    We ought to know that the conservative party spin alot of lies that’s nothing fresh

  7. NMac April 2, 2016 at 10:46 am - Reply

    Barefaced lies and corruption are the hallmarks of this rotten government.

  8. Sheila Killingworth April 3, 2016 at 5:42 am - Reply

    I can’t believe that we, the electorate allow them to get away with this.

  9. Terry Davies April 3, 2016 at 5:58 am - Reply

    cameron will undoubtely get free shares when Tata is sold at s loss to the taxpayers who will bail out the company for duration of the nuclear power station project at Hinkley.

  10. Barry Metcalfe April 3, 2016 at 11:35 am - Reply

    Didn’t their election manifesto say Stuff You , but not in those words. Was I the only one who listened to what he said and worse and heard what he did not say.

  11. Mr David Anthony Penson April 3, 2016 at 2:50 pm - Reply

    This should show even the most loyal, unquestioning; Tory supporters just how unconcerned their party really is with ordinary working people , unless of course they happen to be daft enough to believe their own lies.

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