After the PM’s tax avoidance scandal, Bolsover Beast tells Cameron to his face: ‘You are #DodgyDave’

Last Updated: April 12, 2016By


This Blog has been encouraging speculation about who would be first to tackle David Cameron over the tax avoidance debacle that has been raging for more than a week.

I had a feeling it might be Denis Skinner.

He was certainly the one who made the biggest impact – being suspended, and ordered to leave the Commons chamber, for the heinous crime of calling Cameron “Dodgy Dave” – an incident that instantly spawned a Twitter hashtag.

Here’s the exchange:

But Denis Skinner isn’t the only one who has described Cameron in this manner, so one is led to ask why it was so objectionable this time.

160412DodgyDave by Ed Miliband
Perhaps it was an opportunity to spare Cameron from answering a perfectly reasonable – and on-topic – question?

Mr Skinner has expanded on his words in the Commons with an article in the Daily Mirror as follows:

I, like most people in the country, view tax havens as dodgy.

Cameron looked after himself by maxing out the taxpayers’ credit card to pay a mortgage on expenses in Oxfordshire and even claimed to cut the wisteria off his chimney.

So I, like most people in the country, think it dodgy he now earns a small fortune renting out a house in Notting Hill while living in Downing Street and Chequers.

His poisonous division of the country between “strivers and skivers” was also dodgy, particularly when you look now at what he was doing.

Cameron is dodgy.

He is Dodgy Dave.

He’s refused to answer questions before.

I’ve no regrets calling him what he is.

I’ve done it before so it was a bit of a surprise to be chucked out of the House of Commons.

No action was taken Cameron when he called me a Dinosaur, though I did receive dozens of letters, including one from a vicar, criticising Cameron.

The truth is I thought I might be pulled up for calling him a “scrounger” but that seems to be acceptable.

I’ll let the public be the judge and I know from the working people I speak to that they think Cameron is Dodgy Dave.

Source: Dennis Skinner: Why I called the Prime Minister ‘Dodgy Dave’ – and would do it again – Dennis Skinner – Mirror Online

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  1. Joanna April 12, 2016 at 12:51 am - Reply

    Good on ya Dennis you should be Prime minister!!!

  2. NMac April 12, 2016 at 6:43 am - Reply

    Well said Dennis Skinner. You speak for the nation.

  3. Terry Davies April 12, 2016 at 7:43 am - Reply

    well done dennis. what about championing deselection by petition. and dismissal from parliament if corruption is proven with defence of Parliamentary privilege and pensions forfeited.

  4. casalealex April 12, 2016 at 8:22 am - Reply

    This is from before the last election:

    If Dodgy Dave has a one man ‘debate’ on BBC. we know what it will be.

    If you watch Prime Minister’s Questions at all you will see the farce of calling it Questions, because when Pinnochio Davy Boy is asked a question by the opposition, (which he has preparedly listed hours before), he invariably comes back with his own question.

    He then goes on to give a prolonged diatribe extolling the ‘wonders’ of his government. Then he has his cohorts give their ‘questions’, which actually are in fact more eulogies about the ‘magnificence’ of their flawed policies.

    When an opposition MP stands to put his question, those on the opposite benches begin caterwauling, and making derogatory remarks, and the Speaker has to admonish them. The Speaker himself has called it a Punch and Judy show!

    I assume the planned ‘debates’ on BBC will have an audience who will be able to put their questions to all the candidates on the rostrum.

    However, if Dodgy Dave gets to do a TV ‘debate’ on his own, there will be no one from the other parties to rebut any of his ‘assertions’, thereby making it a party political speech, paid for by public money.

  5. Michael Broadhurst April 12, 2016 at 8:27 am - Reply

    yes good on you dennis.its about time all this parliamentary protocol bull**** was done away with. if you think the man is lying you should be able to say so without any repercussions.
    if i was in parliament i’d be suspended every day over this lying,corrupt,two faced,murdering, self serving, scum of a govt.

  6. robert fillies April 12, 2016 at 8:40 am - Reply

    Well said Dennis, Dodgy Dave is not only Dodgy but slippery, because nothing sticks.

    • Joanna April 13, 2016 at 12:54 am - Reply

      shouldn’t it be dodgy Teflon dave?

  7. Roland Laycock April 12, 2016 at 9:11 am - Reply

    Good Old Dennis you tell the truth and get kicked out they lie and don’t now what as that to tell you about the state of the nation

  8. Rik April 12, 2016 at 10:25 am - Reply

    I love Dennis Skinner
    and good on him for saying what is actually true…

  9. Nick April 12, 2016 at 11:07 am - Reply

    here here !!

  10. Joan Edington April 12, 2016 at 11:16 am - Reply

    Well said Dennis!

    The difference may well be similar to the Carmichael fiasco in the Edinburgh courts. In summary, it was deemed wrong to be caught out in a personal lie but hunky dory if the lie was political. Just shows what the political system has come to.

    Maybe it has been OK to call Dave whatever you like (I would go a lot further than Skinner) as long as he’s been lying about taxpayers money. Now he has been caught out lying about his personal finances and doesn’t intend to face up to it in open debate.

    OK. Maybe that’s too reasonable. I should think Bercow was got at. I do think he was struggling not to laugh himself, mind.

  11. mrmarcpc April 12, 2016 at 2:05 pm - Reply

    Dennis Skinner is spot on with his comments and what happens, they pathetically and petulantly kick him out but when other comments have been made from the right to the left, they’ve been let go, allowed, double standards and hypocrisy from the right, as always, it’s the right wing machine tying its best to supress any opposition and any criticism to Offshore Dave and with the protests and petitions calling for his resignation, it’s working in overdrive trying to save his worthless, greedy skin, he is a weak joke and always was, time he was booted out of office, he is not fit to lead, he is not fit for anything, get this lying, money grabbing, privileged, pompous, moronic charlatan out of number ten now!

  12. John April 12, 2016 at 7:51 pm - Reply

    Now, whilst I would take my hat off to Skinner for this, I also don’t get it! Skinner admits that he’s called Cameron “Dodgy Dave” before, and I’m pretty sure that he’s done it in the HoC before too (I believe I even remember the incident), and if I’m right, he wasn’t chucked out then. So why now? If the Speaker was protecting Cameron, then he clearly wasn’t behaving in a politically neutral capacity, like he is supposed to. The only other conclusion I can come to, is the Speaker is clamping down on comments like that?

  13. mohandeer April 12, 2016 at 8:01 pm - Reply

    I can’t help wondering if Bercow didn’t do it deliberately in order to make sure the title “Dodgy Dave” sticks, well and truly. If so, he knew what he was doing. DS will be back another time and millions across the country view him as a hero, something Bercow would also be very aware of. People tend to underestimate Mr. Bercow and they really shouldn’t.

    • John April 13, 2016 at 5:39 pm - Reply

      I take it you’re suggesting that Mr Bercow doesn’t like Cameron then (even though he’s a Tory)? I think Bercow will be more than aware of DS’s popularity. If I was to ever meet him in the street, I’d shake his hand and congratulate him on what he said!

  14. David April 14, 2016 at 10:53 am - Reply

    DS clearly intended his epithet to stick and probably knew that he’d be red carded for it. However, it hit the news and summed up what I guess a very significant majority of people in this country think of Cameron. Whether John Bercow colluded in this, we shall never know – unless he tells us in his yet to be written memoirs. I don’t think Bercow had any option but to remove Denis from the chamber and really, it doesn’t matter much that he did.

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