Labour reacts as Champion ‘unresigns’

Last Updated: July 25, 2016By
Returning shadow cabinet member Sarah Champion [Image: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images].

Returning shadow cabinet member Sarah Champion [Image: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images].

The withdrawal of Sarah Champion’s resignation from the shadow cabinet is doubly welcome.

Firstly, it shows that there are Labour MPs among those who have been standing against Jeremy Corbyn, who genuinely want the best for the Labour Party and are willing to change their minds if they think they have made a mistake.

Secondly, it shows that Jeremy Corbyn was serious when he offered the “hand of friendship” to anybody who wanted to come back to him.

It’s hard to say more about this until Ms Champion returns from her foreign trip.

Of course, that hasn’t stopped Twitter!

Some of the responses have been hugely positive:

160725 Sarah Champion Tweet 1

160725 Sarah Champion Tweet 2

Some haven’t. I’ll just leave these here without comment:

160725 Sarah Champion Tweet 3160725 Sarah Champion Tweet 4160725 Sarah Champion Tweet 5.

This Writer, by the way, is delighted.

An MP who quit Labour’s front bench during a revolt against Jeremy Corbyn has been reinstated after asking for her old job back.

Sarah Champion, the MP for Rotherham, has retracted her resignation as shadow minister for preventing child abuse and domestic violence.

Ms Champion is on an overseas trip but her office confirmed that she had “retaken” her old job.

The BBC’s Norman Smith said it was an “extraordinary development”.

Ms Champion has not given any reason for wishing to return to Mr Corbyn’s team shadowing the Home Office.

Source: Labour leadership: MP ‘unresigns’ from Corbyn team – BBC News


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  1. John July 25, 2016 at 9:04 pm - Reply

    In my neck of the woods, as the Geordies would say, champion! ;)

  2. peej1952 July 25, 2016 at 9:26 pm - Reply

    This Woman is weak incompetent and follows the herd, she is also untrustworthy a liar and a career opportunist, she was obviously told by Watson Eagle Smith Harman Umanah Cooper et al that JC would be finished in a month at most so it was time for her to choose either a dead man walking or us the resurrected New Labour, she made her bed we should let her lie in it.

    • Mike Sivier July 25, 2016 at 11:05 pm - Reply

      I disagree.
      It seems far more likely that she is mature enough to realise that she made a mistake, and that she should rectify it.
      That can be a hard thing to do when it seems your entire peer group is demanding that you stick with the mistake.
      I think she should be praised.

      • jeffrey davies July 26, 2016 at 6:20 am - Reply

        we all make mistakes she found out she has done and has asked for her old job back hmm there before the grace of god yet we make blunders has such she learnt by hers but now i hope my neath mp returns to the fold jeff3

      • Pjay Mac July 26, 2016 at 7:26 am - Reply

        Hi Mike, I respect your opinion also you are to be commended for the unbiased way you conduct yourself and I follow your blogs with great interest, however I stick by my description of Ms Champion I am a great believer in trust honesty honour loyalty and integrity “of which in my own opinion only” this MP MOTSC has none, when these people resigned en masse she was one of them when they did so they made a conscious decision to Destroy a Man who has an abundance of the above, however the 174 Rebel MPs are of course entitled to their opinion what they are not entitled to is the character assassination of a “Decent Human Being” treating the Grassroots Rank and File Members as Imbeciles and the crass self praising by Eagle and Smith that any one of the two are better suited to be Leader turns out to be I will make Jeremy President of the Labour Movement Smith if I win the election, Jeezus H Christ the hubris of these people beggars belief I am afraid that Ms Champion and any others who follow her lead once again in my own opinion only can never be trusted therefore we are back to square one The Enemy Within. “If You Fly Wi The Craws You Get Shot Wi The Craws” Mike.

        • Mike Sivier July 26, 2016 at 10:11 am - Reply

          That’s certainly a valid opinion too.

  3. Sven Wraight July 25, 2016 at 11:44 pm - Reply

    Her voting record offers clues as to whether she’s a Bliarite or a Corbynite.

  4. paulmac49 July 25, 2016 at 11:59 pm - Reply

    I say good luck to her she’s seen the light, and rectified her mistake not a lot of people would do that.

  5. NMac July 26, 2016 at 7:11 am - Reply

    I hope she is welcomed back into the fold. What is needed more than anything is unity not recriminations.

  6. Rusty July 26, 2016 at 7:44 am - Reply

    I think a lot of those mps who resigned were bullied into resigning, miss champion has shown a u-turn is not always a bad thing! Good for her!

  7. dogpower July 26, 2016 at 8:13 am - Reply

    So her little plan didn’t work she can’t be trusted a liar and a fifth columnist

  8. Lord Azlan July 26, 2016 at 2:47 pm - Reply

    Could be a number of MPs were bullied into resigning or given access to a dodgy dossier about future prospects with Corbyn in charge. Perhaps this will lead to a little trickle of MPs coming back into the fold and beginning to hold this government to account.

    I think the area she covers is important enough to have someone shadow it – maybe she realised this as well.

    Hope right?

  9. John July 26, 2016 at 5:20 pm - Reply

    Those of us that are on here criticising Ms Champion, I’ve got to admit that I do see where they are coming from.
    However, when the coup began, we were seeing people resign left, right and centre (I don’t even remember half the names, some faces yes, but names no). At the time, I remember seeing one or two of the resignation letters on twitter (although I can’t really remember the content). On the Marr show, I remember Corbyn mentioning that he’d heard that some of the MPs were apparently bullied into resigning.
    My question is, how exactly were they bullied? That’ll be interesting to find out (if we ever do). When Ms Champion does get back, I imagine that we will find out more details of her reasons for returning (unless she chooses not to divulge).
    Yes, we all make mistakes, and I don’t really criticise JC for allowing Champion to come back. However, I may think of him as completely bonkers, if he allows the likes of Eagle or Benn back(but then he sacked Benn, so that’s doubtful).
    There is also another matter that might be weighing on the minds of some MPs, and that its the threat of the SNP becoming the official opposition. I can understand many Labour MPs not wanting that obviously.
    Could turn out to be an interesting couple of months!

    • Mike Sivier July 26, 2016 at 10:14 pm - Reply

      I think there should be an internal Labour Party investigation into how a conspiracy against the party’s leader could take place in the way it has – in order to prevent MPs from trying to overrule the will of the membership in the future.

      • John July 26, 2016 at 11:03 pm - Reply

        Maybe – but who would manage it, and would it really get to the truth? Don’t want to be a pessimist, but I can’t see how the coup could have been prevented?
        Basically, the ‘responsible’ MPs have stuck two fingers up at the membership and £3 entryists(as some ppl on twitter keep referring to them as) – and had their OWN ballot instead.
        It’s a shame they grossly underestimated his determination not to be bullied – they might not have done it if they’d known.

        • Mike Sivier July 27, 2016 at 1:30 am - Reply

          Perhaps a committee of rank-and-file CLP members?

      • John July 27, 2016 at 8:37 am - Reply

        Yep, be an idea, and just so you can’t get accused of bias, make the ‘team’ a mix of JC and anti-JC members?

        • Mike Sivier July 27, 2016 at 1:26 pm - Reply

          That has happened already and didn’t work.

  10. Dez July 26, 2016 at 7:10 pm - Reply

    Hopefully she has not brought along a Trojan Horse jumpsuit….time will quickly flush out her position.

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