Coroners versus DWP | Stop MP lies & propaganda

Last Updated: September 3, 2016By
[Image: Stop MP Lies & Propaganda.]

[Image: Stop MP Lies & Propaganda.]

This was published last month but is well worth highlighting because of the list of benefit claimants who died while being subjected to questionable behaviour by the Department for Work and Pensions.

I just saw on Twitter a link back to a news story from early this year, claiming that former DWP ministers may be taken to court for the actions of the Department while it was under their control.

The person posting the link was highly cynical about the possibility.

Looking at this prima facie evidence, though, I can only ask:

How soon can it be arranged?

Coroner Michael Oakley said the DWP benefits assessment was key to the death of Nick Barker.  Coroner Andrew Haigh concluded the death of Tim Salter was mostly caused by the DWP who drastically reduced his benefit.

Meanwhile these people died under questionable circumstances with the DWP.  Cecilia Burns had cancer.  The DWP declared her fit for work.  She appealed the decision but died shortly after winning her appeal.  Chris Cann was housebound after losing both legs and a finger.  The DWP insisted he exited his home to attend a fit for work assessment.  This shook Chris up badly and he died of a suspected heart attack.  Leanne Chambers had depression for years.  The DWP sent her a letter to attend a fit to work assessment.  She left the house that night and her lifeless body was later found in the River Wear.  David Clapson died after because he couldn’t power his fridge to keep his insulin cool after the DWP removed his benefits.  DWP responded saying they were following procedure.  David Groves stopped work after a string of strokes and a heart attack.  DWP told Atos to call him in for a fit to work assessment.  He died the night before.  His widow said he was in a terrible state and the stress killed him.  Stephen Hill suffered heart problems and was waiting for major heart surgery.  DWP declared him fit to work following a ten minute Atos check.  He died of a heart attack.  Edward Jaqcues fatally overdosed because he was not given a correct assessment by the DWP an inquest heard.  Brian McArdle was paralysed down one side and couldn’t speak.  He died the day after being found fit for work by DWP.   Mark Mullins & Helen Mullins died in an apparent suicide pact after not having the correct access to benefits.  There are many more people like this. 

Source: Coroners versus DWP « Stop MP lies & propaganda


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  1. jeffrey davies September 4, 2016 at 5:49 am - Reply

    all part of their aktion t4 plans on culling the stock by any means

  2. John September 4, 2016 at 7:24 am - Reply

    I too, believe I saw this link on twitter, and I thought it was a progress update of the CURRENT police investigation (reported originally by Black Triangle). I was obviously disappointed that it was just a link to the originally story.

  3. J September 4, 2016 at 1:30 pm - Reply

    I am sitting here with tablets , noose and gallon of petrol as i have an assessment tuesday the 6 sept, i cannot go through this again ,,,,i have rung the assessment centre and dwp telling them my death will be on thier hands ,,,, because of my sexual abuser i have been diagnosed with being mentalmhealth(some thing i hate and think is totally wrong for someone elses actions,,i have been called a nutter for self harming )the impact is so severe i still am affected today 46 years after the event ,, 42 years of being in the mental health system, sectioned at 16 for self harming,,so i suffered at the hands of my abuser then again by doctors and society ,,,,,,UNFAIR .my doctors have said i am unwell ,also my psychiartrist, counsellor and waiting for an appointment to see a psychotherapist ( for the 3rd time) ,death seems to be the only way out of my torment,

    • Mike Sivier September 8, 2016 at 2:06 pm - Reply

      As ever, my advice is that killing oneself is just about the best way of giving the abusers a chance to go free and the DWP exactly what they want, too.
      I do hope you did not go through with your threat.

  4. Roy Beiley September 4, 2016 at 2:52 pm - Reply


    I believe that PM’s can not be sanctioned for action they took while in office (re Blair and Iraq War decision) Does the same apply to Ministers?

  5. Brian September 7, 2016 at 6:19 pm - Reply

    Nobody is above the law for dereliction of duty, it just has to be proven and the results of their action quantified.

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