Why are we discussing fake anti-Semitism when the real thing is marching around in jackboots again?

Last Updated: October 3, 2016By

After spending the better part of the evening answering criticism from self-identifying Zionists, I think I (and those who have supported me) deserve this boost from my blogging brother, the Beast.


I think Mike’s absolutely correct, and so do many others. Many of Mike’s readers are Jews, or of Jewish heritage, and he has received many comments from them agreeing with him. Please go to his site, and read the messages left by Tony Greenstein, Fathomie – who isn’t Jewish, but has Jewish friends, and David Douglas-Wilson. Mr Wilson is the author of a book on Sir Moses Montefiore. He has completed an MA in Holocaust Studies, a subject that has personally affected him. He states that he lost 14 members of his family in the Shoah. He also wishes that people wouldn’t equate the Jewish people with Zionism, and describes the confusion of the two as ‘crude history, vulgar politics, and pure opportunism.’

Mike has also received comments supporting this article from non-Jewish readers as well, who are also very definitely not anti-Semitic but sceptical of Israel and its policies towards the Palestinians.

As Mike and his readers make very clear, this isn’t about anti-Semitism. This is about the Israel lobby, or at least that section of if which supports Likud and its racist terrorism absolutely, trying to silence Israel’s critics. They are trying to silence decent women and men by calling them anti-Semites. If Jewish, they are reviled as ‘self-hating’ and declared to be ‘not real Jews’. It’s disgusting, and bears out Prof Norman Finkelstein’s statement that the Zionist lobby is all about manufacturing anti-Semites. And not only are decent people slandered, the term itself is devalued, while real, anti-Semitic Nazis like National Action and the National Socialist Movement in Britain are stomping about in jackboots again.

Source: Vox Political on the Real Reason Behind Latest Smear on Jackie Walker | Beastrabban\’s Weblog


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  1. Rusty October 3, 2016 at 1:40 am - Reply

    I’ve seen videos of some terrible things in Israel, many involving children! So I’m not a fan of Israel! But not all Israeli are bad people! And not all zionist are Jews! I’m glad you have been calling these false accusations! This mud flinging is just that, I hope we can hold those behind this to account!

    • Mike Sivier October 3, 2016 at 2:24 am - Reply

      Thanks, Rusty.

  2. Martin Odoni October 3, 2016 at 9:21 am - Reply

    For me, people who use anti-Semitism as a smear are themselves racists. They are reducing an ethnicity to a tool or weapon, making it less than it really is, and assuming a race are theirs to use as they see fit. There is surely no behaviour more racist than that.

  3. Christine Cullen October 3, 2016 at 3:22 pm - Reply

    I am never sure whether some people honestly don’t know the difference between Judaism and Zionism, (in which case they need to buy a dictionary) or whether they deliberately use others expressing anti-zionism as an excuse to accuse them of anti-semitism. I hear a lot of confusion which may or may not be deliberate, or may or may not be ignorance. Much of it is posturing for political purposes.
    For the record I have Jewish ancestry on one side and I am extremely critical of zionism and many aspects of current Israeli policy towards Palestinians. But if anybody called me an anti-semite I would be annoyed.

    • Mike Sivier October 3, 2016 at 9:41 pm - Reply

      People have been accusing me of anti-Semitism (and in at least one case, Nazism) all day.
      I wouldn’t describe myself as annoyed – more disappointed that these people would stoop so low, so easily.

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