Are the superpowers preparing to fight a war – over our heads – because of Syria?
![Tensions between Russia and the West have escalated because of the war in Syria. This is the aftermath of a barrel bomb strike on Sahra Hospital in Aleppo [Image: Getty].](
Tensions between Russia and the West have escalated because of the war in Syria. This is the aftermath of a barrel bomb strike on Sahra Hospital in Aleppo [Image: Getty].
Worse still, it looks as though the aggressors are American, not Russian or Chinese.
Information suggests that US Army chiefs think Russian air strikes on Syria provide enough evidence of “war crimes” for them to launch an attack – and the Russians have been building bunkers to act as shelters for the people of Moscow.
This is insanity. Nobody can win a nuclear war.
(In fact, nobody wins a conventional war – just ask the people of Aleppo.)
Barack Obama has pointed out that the Russians are in Syria legitimately, at the request of that country’s government, so there appears to be a brake on any hasty action for the time being. But he’ll be gone in January.
And there are serious concerns about the quality of the evidence we have been given, with some shocking photographs alleged to have been faked.
The best way to solve any dispute is by diplomacy. Everybody involved needs to calm down and discuss these matters reasonable. But that can be hard if some parties feel the accusations against them are unreasonable.
The US Army needs to accept that it is not the world’s police force and that it should not simply wade into other countries whenever its leaders feel they have plausible justification.
It would not only be tragic – it would be stupid if they unleashed nuclear devastation on the basis of unconvincing, possibly falsified, evidence.
Saddest of all, nobody here seems interested. The British are more concerned about the outcome of an awkward tussle between two men in suits, in Strasbourg, for example.
And what do the people of the United States think about all this? Traditionally, they are somewhat parochial in their view; if an event doesn’t happen just down the road from them, they’re not interested. Many probably don’t even know where Syria is.
Has anybody told them their country might be preparing to devastate the world over some unverified allegations and dodgy photographs?
US Army chiefs fear Russia, China or climate change could result in global instability with a war between two powerful countries “almost guaranteed”
And they say any future conflict would be “extremely lethal and fast” with a war between two powerful countries “almost guaranteed”.
Countries will increasingly rely on technology, using smart weapons and artificial intelligence.
It comes after reports this week that Russia has started preparing its citizens for a ‘nuclear war’ with the West as tensions mount over Syria.
The country’s media and officials have claimed the West wants to launch an attack on Russia because of its intervention in Syria.
Officials announced on Friday underground shelters had been built which could provide shelter for Moscow’s 12 million people in the event of an attack.
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For some time now many “hawks” in America appear to have been wanting a war with Russia. Fuelled partly by their desire for world hegemony and partly their frustrations at having this desire denied to them by Russia. I suppose our idiots will, as usual, hang grimly on to America’s shirt tails in their desire to be seen as still some sort of world power.
This has nothing to do with “evidence” it’s to do with controlling the oil reserves! Both Russia and America want resources! America needs it as the dollar is an oil based currency! We are probably facing dark days ahead!!!
Another war Jeremy Corbyn tried to keep us out of, if this turns nasty we will be a target.
Remember our politicians trumpeting involvement in Syria as if we were going on a shopping spree. Disgraceful..
While you have the Mainstream pouring out the usual distractions and an unwitting public utterly unaware of the real consequences, there will be blissful ignorance until they wonder what those mushroom clouds is doing rising aboveSussex, Yorkshire and Pontypridd
By that time they have just about enough time to say two hail Marys, an Om or two or silently prepare their butt into a meditative posture for extinction. All the rest will catch the train to Armageddon as they scurry to Tesco for bargain on brown paper bags (ref: Beyond The Fringe – 1964 Civil Defence)
“Barack Obama has pointed out that the Russians are in Syria legitimately, at the request of that country’s government, so there appears to be a brake on any hasty action for the time being. But he’ll be gone in January.”
Exactly, then we will be between the devil and the deep blue see. with nothing much to choose between Trump and Clinton….Gawd help us all…
Horrific to realize that just one or two bad evil people with war in mind could contemplate destroying the entire world.
Russia was invited in to help put an end to this war and the US are like a mad dog its war after war with them they set up ISIS and all the other terrorists just look at Libya destroyed and left to there US terrorists it never as been down to resources the Russians have enough this is about world dominance just look at the US history over the last 60years and we follow like a lap dog
History and released papers have shown that American politicians and generals have always been the aggressors. You only have to look at the Cuban crisis to see how close we came to nuclear war, and most of that was gungho American generals. They would see the world burn through hubris and ego. The worst part is our puppet politicians, who would bend so far over to appease America that they would bring war to our shores again. It is no wonder certain people of the middle east call America big Satan and us little Satan. We appear to hang out of their arse like a great hemorrhoid.
We need the propagandist lies exposed, our government’s and the mainstream media sources or the war to end all wars could be a reality. Russia and China are now allies and Korea will aid China – all three set to defend each other because they all know that whichever one falls to the US pre-emptive strike will need back up because they will be next on the US “hit” list.
Anyone and everyone willing to challenge the lying propagandist assault is needed in an effort to divert war by exposing those lies and thereby the truth beyond them.
Warriors for truth and peace are many but only a few have a voice, so make their voices heard by sharing their articles.
“It seems once again we have world leaders who are stupid enough to consider fighting a nuclear war…..
The US Army needs to accept that it is not the world’s police force and that it should not simply wade into other countries whenever its leaders feel they have plausible justification……
It would not only be tragic – it would be stupid if they unleashed nuclear devastation on the basis of unconvincing, possibly falsified, evidence…..”Mike Sivier(Vox).
It’s actually the US and UK who are funding the propagandist network, also with a base here in a 91 office block in Cambride.