David Cameron to chair National Citizen Service, to indoctrinate youngsters in Tory ways?
![David Cameron wants to offer every 16- and 17-year-old the chance to take part in four-week summer camps to embed the initiative ‘in our national fabric’ [Image: Justin Tallis/AFP/Getty Images].](https://voxpoliticalonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/161012-David-Cameron.png)
David Cameron wants to offer every 16- and 17-year-old the chance to take part in four-week summer camps to embed the initiative ‘in our national fabric’ [Image: Justin Tallis/AFP/Getty Images].
Second thought: He wants to instil “social responsibility” in 16- and 17-year-olds. And what else will this Conservative-run initiative instil in our impressionable youngsters?
David Cameron has pledged to try to make non-military national service “a rite of passage” for every British teenager in his first new job since resigning as prime minister.
A month after stepping down as an MP, Cameron has announced that he is to chair an expanded National Citizen Service (NCS) – a summer camp initiative he set up in his first months in office designed to instil social responsibility in young people as part of his “big society”.
Writing in the Telegraph, Cameron said the service was an example of the big society in action.
He said he wanted to offer every 16- and 17-year-old the chance to take part in the four-week camps to embed the initiative “in our national fabric”.
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Entry level Storm Troopers?
Cameron Youth?
DC Cult Leader!!!!
National Citizen Service on how to rob cheat and tell lies now isn’t that someting to look up to take about jobs for the boys
Cameron is damaged goods. Who on earth would take the slightest bit lof notice of him.
It gets better in the guardian article, it says ” this is Cameron’s Fist job since leaving office!
Ah, the Graun. Another one for the Corrections and Clarifications column!
Hers’s the thing, 16-17yrs are Still children, why should they be owing society anything until they are adults, also with all the cuts, and their parents having to go to food banks to feed them, again why should they owe anything? They are not allowed housing benefit or other benefits, what on earth do they owe?!!!
Again as always the Delusional Cretin is all self!!! Hopefully children are smart enough to Ignore what he wants. I thought the Big Society was defunct anyway!
Takes us back to 1933 – 1945, remembering the youth organisation in Germany?
Did you know the original plan was to charge each young person, £100 for the privilege of going on the 2 week residential?
Social Responsibility(!) This [man] is the last person who should be talking about any kind of responsibility for he, himself, ran from it in the most cowardly and despicable way. £et’s offer the country and in/ out referendum. £et’s not tell the people what they need to know in order to make that decision. £et’s bring forward the date of said referendum… twice, so that there’s no time for people to acquire the information that even we don’t have. £et’s have no exit strategy in place, in case the result goes that way. £et’s bail when it does go that way, (because we have no exit strategy?) despite my pledge to the nation that I’d see the job through. Responsibility(!) Call-Me-Dave wouldn’t know responsibility if it walked up to him, presented itself as Responsibility and gave him a C.V. How is it that this person has escaped the glare of the media spotlight on this issue? David Cameron is an utter disgrace!
Isn’t Cameron the clown who forgot about his own children and left them in a pub? Certainly wouldn’t trust my grandchildren with anything he dreams up.
I wouldn’t want David Cameron instilling anything into my dog, let alone my children and grandchildren. And I haven’t even got a dog!
The Cameron Youth, sounds really bad, will they all be wearing blue shirts and ties, imagine the indoctrination, anything that is not blue is awful, pound a hour is great wages, your GP is not as qualified as our five week wonders, the book will be mein Tory co written by Herr Schmidt, frightening, 4 week camps doing what i wonder and where will the money be coming from, the 350 million there saving from the eu, do us all a favour retire or stick to your plan of charging loads to gullible people to listen to you
Will he provide the £50 notes to burn in front of homeless people? And what about the pigs heads? Will they be taught that it is their social responsibility to assist disabled people who have not been socially responsible in their insistence on continuing to live by smashing their windows ? I wouldn’t let him near child or animal without a tranquilliser gun aimed at him.