How is all this recrimination against Russia supposed to bring peace?
![Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in the House of Commons, London, where he spoke about the crisis in Syria [Image: Sky].](
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in the House of Commons, London, where he spoke about the crisis in Syria [Image: Sky].
Boris Johnson got on his hind legs in the Commons yesterday to appeal for demonstrations outside the Russian embassy, and suggesting that those responsible for war crimes in Syria would face charges before the International Criminal Court.
But if he was hoping to present an image of gravitas, of statesmanhood, he failed. His performance gave the impression the ‘creepy clown’ craze currently sweeping the UK had got as far as Westminster, that’s all.
As Tom Peck put it, in The Independent: “Trouble is, it’s barely a week since he was tripping the bants loltastic with the Birmingham conference crowd, regaling them with his japes with the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov at the UN General Assembly, taking the mickey out of him as he did so. ‘So I said to Sergei, Sergei said to me…’
“What he didn’t say to Sergei then, at least as far as he has admitted, is that Sergei, or at least the government at which Sergei is a part, has been turning a blind eye to war crimes. Facilitating them even, perhaps actively committing them.
“But if Sergei and co can turn a blind eye to that, they can certainly turn a blind eye to this.”
And behind it all is the suspicion that we are creeping towards a major war on the basis of a lie.
Remember the UN convoy the Russians were supposed to have bombed? Only today a Vox Political commentator asserted: “Various other non-biased non-MSN have already concluded from the available evidence that the UN convoy was attacked by ground forces belonging to ISIS with the aid of the US predator drone deployed before, during and after the attack on the aid convoy, using hellfire missiles. There is no evidence, whatsoever of either Russian or Syrian involvement.”
It’s time to look to the mainstream media.
It would be hugely irresponsible if they were complicit in engineering a major war.
And what would they gain from it?
Should we be asking that question of their owners, who are heavily engaged in international politics?
Russia should be investigated for war crimes in the Syrian city of Aleppo and risks becoming a pariah nation, Boris Johnson has said, taking the unusual step of calling for demonstrations by anti-war protesters outside the Russian embassy in London.
The British foreign secretary said “the mills of justice grind slowly, but they grind small” as he predicted those responsible for war crimes in Syria would eventually face charges before the international criminal court.
Johnson’s remarks underline the degree to which relations between Russia and the west have deteriorated to levels not seen since the end of the cold war.
Source: Russia should be investigated for Syrian war crimes, says Boris Johnson | World news | The Guardian
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I was under the impression that Boris Johnson only had one pair of legs to stand on but then maybe he is a separate race that the bigots talk about. the simple fact is that if Russia are committing war crimes it is for a legal court to decide not individual politicians.
A person isn’t racist because they call someone an animal: it’s just a metaphor.
However, there’s an interesting point here: what if Mr Sivier had used the same quip about Chuka Umunna? Granted, it might be politically naïve because it would play in to the wrong hands, but we shouldn’t ban metaphors just because they can offend: sometimes, offending is the point.
So how do we differentiate between racists and people hurling abuse (and BJ deserves ridicule so very often)?
Or old Rupert Murdoch or MSM media moguls??
Please don’t make me laugh Boris. If the people was to be tried for War Crimes you & most of Parliment would be in clink now. What you are doing along with Ame Rica, Saudi, Israel in illegal. International law & UN. You have repeatedly gone into Syria to bomb destroy & murder Syrians. FOR OIL. You have declared war on another Sovereign Country. Russia has been invited in to Syria by Assad. You are a liar. Parliament may well believe your crap but we do not. We are not stupid
Lets face it the US run NATO want a war but it wants its trolls in Europe to fight it for them so they can make money out of it by selling Europe weapons like they did in the second World War more lend lease, I have to laugh we Bombed Iraq and Libya murderd in Afghanistan backed the Zionists in Isreal with there mass murder and helped the saudi regime murder the peopl in the Yemen for the US. If there was any justice Tony Blair should be in jail or better still given to the Iraqi people.
There is roughly the same amount of evidence of Russian war crimes in Syria as there is for the US currently commiting them in the besieged city of Majib in Iraq:
Which is to say there’s a possibility, but way less than that there is for the Saudis committing them in Yemen.
“Should we be asking that question of their owners, who are heavily engaged in international politics?”
And in the case of Rupert Murdoch and Lord Rothchild, heavily invested in potential oil reserves in the Syrian Golan Heights.
Do people like Johnson actually want a peaceful world? As always it is cretins like him, who don’t have to face the point of a bayonet who stir up trouble.
The embarrassment for all of us of having Boris as the Foreign Secretary does demonstrate just how low the political classes have sunk. Will he also support the public demonstrating outside the DWP against work assessments and the Bedroom Tax?
Bungling Boris should keep his mouth firmly shut in matters that he has no knowledge of. It would prove highly embarrassing, yet again, if the UN performed a study as it did on the supposed Assad Sarin gas attack and the report by Postol and Co showed quite conclusively that it had been the work of the terrorist held territories as did the OPCW, who then will they blame? Perhaps the moderate terrorists the US is still aiding?
Well Boris and the other Tory Estab.traitors forced Brexit on a LIE why not a ‘war’?? That tow haired Coward wont b on.the front line or anywhere near it! Boris cudnt even find his CAR??
The utter gutlessness of this FM and the rest of his ilk will see our kids BLOOD spilt on a lie ZThen we might wake up too late of course?