Remember Mark Wood? Tories have QUADRUPLED the number of people likely to die like he did

Mark Wood: He died of starvation several months after his ESA was stopped without warning by the DWP.
Mark Wood starved to death four months after the then-government sickness benefit assessor, Atos, found him fit for work.
His death was never entered in Department for Work and Pensions death statistics as it did not happen within two weeks of his claim being cut off. So the DWP could deny responsibility, even though he plainly was not fit for work when he was assessed.
Now it seems government policies are deliberately sending thousands of people to die the same way – poverty-stricken malnutrition.
Perhaps ministers think they have found a way to make the deaths look coincidental?
Consider: Government policies make people too poor to eat, so they either starve to death at home like Mr Wood, or they become a burden on an already-overworked National Health Service, forcing it further towards collapse.
If they live, they have helped push the NHS further into difficulty that can be used later to justify a switch to insurance-based private health; if they die, they cease to claim state benefits.
It’s easy to understand that this is how Jeremy Hunt and Damian Green think.
The number of people so malnourished they need hospital treatment has QUADRUPLED in 10 years.
In a shocking indictment of the nation’s food poverty , more than 16,000 cases of malnutrition were reported in hospitals in England last year, an average of 45 every day.
More than 900 of these cases were classed as severe – meaning patients were in danger of starving to death.
But these alarming NHS figures are just the extreme tip of an iceberg of misery and deprivation as GPs treat thousands more poverty-stricken patients for malnutrition.
Campaigners blame spiralling food prices, falling wages and ruthless benefits cuts and sanctions.
Source: Shocking rise in Brits being admitted to hospital because they are MALNOURISHED – Mirror Online
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And ‘Damian’ Green spoke in tongues, declaring, “Let them eat cake”. And so it was, the peasants of the land rose from their sick beds and consumed the cake. But nor were the cake gluten free nor diabetic and the sick fell like flies. Damian proclaimed from that day hence the poor shall seek his wisdom and gratefully enter the house of the lord.
It’s a bit rich when Frank Field starts getting “worried” about malnutrition, having been quite comfortable with sanctions and austerity cuts for many years. I also note that his solution is to divert” waste food” more effectively to the hungry. That simply make me revolted. The solution to poverty is better levels of income available to be able to buy food as well as paying other bills, be that income from employment, benefits or both.
This is inhumane, I can’t believe our country has come to this! The quicker Jeremy Corbyn becomes PM the quicker people can be saved.
Then you will be inundated with migrants wanting benefits, housing, NHS…….. putting intolerable strain on all of it, then they will hammer the sick, poor and disabled further, maybe cutting them off more, rather than the migrants and immigrants, who will be left alone, as they are now. I like Jeremy, but some of what he proposes scares me.
As I have said before, the strain on benefits, housing, the NHS etc has been caused by your Conservative Government and its unnecessary cuts – not by immigrants.
If you want to accuse somebody, pick the right target.
all part of the aktion t4 plans denial of benefits yet they know they all know but talk about it is all thats done culling the stock by anymeans
Lives are cheap with the tories and Blairits its money first money second and money third
I, Daniel Blake
This should get took to the highest court in the land these bastards should be jailed R.I.P mark wood
Hopefully there will be a public demand for an investigation now that I Daniel Blake has been released. Its not so much the policies that should be blamed, it is the way that they are implemented by power mad staff at Jobcentre’s who sanction claimants as arbitrarily as Caesar thumb. These are the real murdering b*****ds that need to go before a judge for abuse of office and violations of human rights. One thing I do not understand is how the DWP has been allowed to continue doing as it pleases after being told four times to correct its maladministrative practices by the House of Commons committee of public accounts and by the UN. Surely they are now considered to be a terrorist organisation having killed more people than any random nail bomb ever has.