Lord Freud resigns as welfare minister after inflicting misery on millions
So farewell then, Lord
Fraud Freud. You threw thousands – millions? – of people into the threat of debt and destitution by inflicting the bogus Work Capability Assessment on the sick and disabled, and the Bedroom Tax on people who’d had no influence on the accommodation allocated to them by a social housing provider.
He based these policies on nonsense and defended them with nonsense.
And now he is retiring to his eight-bedroom mansion, having inflicted financial misery on the masses for having an extra bedroom.
He will not be missed, but he should be remembered.
A key architect of the Tories’ welfare cuts is retiring after more than six years in the job.
Lord Freud is the only minister who has stayed at the Department for Work and Pensions since David Cameron reached Downing Street.
The privately-educated great grandson of Sigmund Freud, a City investment banker for 20 years, advised Labour on welfare reform before joining the Tories as a peer in 2009.
During his time he defended hated policies including the bedroom tax and £30-a-week cuts to disability benefit Employment and Support Allowance (ESA).
Asked if he could relate to people on benefits, he once said: “You don’t have to be the corpse to go to a funeral.”
Source: Tory welfare reform minister retires after more than six years – Mirror Online
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We will never know how many people, now dead, would be alive today if Freud have never cruelly meddled with Great Britain’s social security system. Dishonest, spectacularly incompetent and intransigent to the point of aloofness the harm wreaked by this individual, seemingly given carte blanche to do whatever he liked although not democratically elected, almost certainly will never be recovered from. I hope that one day this catastrophic person will be made to answer for what he has done and not be allowed to scuttle off into genteel obscurity lionised by the Tory hard-right.
If there is any justice in the world this terrible man will not escape scot free.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
I find it very off there is no mention of Lord Freud leaving government on the BBC
It is my sincerest wish that this sad man find the help he so obviously needs and soon and that they are as helpful and supportive to him AS HE HAS BEEN TO US. Karma is coming ~