Theresa May-be’s latest #Brexit tactic – disown all previous plans and create a distraction

Last Updated: December 6, 2016By
Does she think she's royalty? Theresa May enthrones herself in Bahrain ahead of the Gulf Co-operation Council Summit [Image: Stefan Wermuth/Reuters].

Does she think she’s royalty? Theresa May enthrones herself in Bahrain ahead of the Gulf Co-operation Council Summit [Image: Stefan Wermuth/Reuters].

What does Theresa May’s latest pronouncement on Brexit say to you?

It tells This Writer she has received a categorical refusal from Europe to any proposal that involves the UK retaining access to the free market on current terms while restricting free movement of people.

This is probably why she is exploring the option of paying for single market access – sending her ministers to Norway to find out more about the so-called ‘Norwegian model’ that was supposed to have been dumped as a possibility by UK ministers, long ago.

It tells me that her claim about the UK taking “control of our money and how we spend our money” is baloney.

Let’s be honest, if the UK enjoys any more funds as a result of Brexit, control of them will fall to a Conservative government.

Nobody who is not rich enough to be the likely recipient of a tax cut will benefit from that money in any way at all.

No, seriously, forget it. You won’t see it. It won’t go on the NHS; it won’t go on desperately-needed infrastructure projects. It will go into the offshore bank accounts of the already-fortunate.

I think some of you may still be harbouring hopes that the Tories will spend some of the cash where it needs to go. They won’t. At best, you’ll get an investment they’ll say is using formerly-EU money, but is actually borrowed – and you’ll have to pay it back later.

The thought of future trade ties with the Middle East fills This Writer with a clammy dread.

The report states that “much of the focus… will be security co-operation” – indicating to me that Mrs May is on a weapon-selling junket, in much the same way David Cameron went out to the Middle East when he was prime minister.

And how will those weapons be used? Attacking other people in the Middle East – who will then be radicalised against the west – and will end up becoming a new breed of terrorist.

She is storing up trouble for our future.

Britain is seeking an “ambitious” new Brexit trade deal to benefit both the UK and European countries, rather than mimicking terms of its current arrangement, Theresa May has said.

The prime minister did not rule out a suggestion by Brexit secretary David Davis that the UK would consider paying to retain single market access, but said the UK would not seek to automatically carry over any aspects of the pre-Brexit relationship.

May said the referendum vote on 23 June meant people voted to “take control of our money and how we spend our money” when asked about the possibility of paying EU budget contributions. “We want to get the best possible deal on trade,” she said.

Future trade ties with Gulf states are high on the agenda for the prime minister during six bilaterals she will host with regional leaders, including Saudi’s King Salman, and May is expected to agree with Gulf leaders to establish a new joint working group to examine unblocking existing trade barriers.

May said she anticipated negotiations would be “very complex” after the triggering of article 50, the two-year formal process for exiting the EU. Much of the focus on her visit to the Gulf will be security co-operation, which the government is understood to believe to be a key upper hand in negotiations with the EU.

Source: Britain seeking ‘ambitious’ Brexit trade deal to benefit UK and EU, says PM | Politics | The Guardian

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  1. casalealex December 6, 2016 at 4:17 am - Reply

    What does Theresa May’s latest pronouncement on Brexit say to you?

    in a nutshell?

    She is storing up trouble for our future.

  2. casalealex December 6, 2016 at 4:45 am - Reply

    Round and round the Maypole….she’s digging us into a hole….

  3. Barry Davies December 6, 2016 at 11:49 am - Reply

    No need for complex negotiations repeal the european communities act then let them come to us when they realise the loss of exports to the UK is harming them more than us. We voted out and that includes leaving the single market.

  4. NMac December 7, 2016 at 10:08 am - Reply

    What planet is May on?

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