Coroner orders inquest into ‘fit for work’ man who collapsed and died after leaving jobcentre

Last Updated: January 27, 2017By

Lawrence Bond.

Lawrence Bond is said to have collapsed on the pavement shortly after leaving Kentish Town jobcentre, following a back-to-work appointment.

Disability News Service (DNS) has confirmed with the London Inner North coroner’s office that there will be an inquest into his death later this year.

The inquest could be heard by the same coroner, Mary Hassell, who found in January 2014 that a disabled man, Mr A*, had taken his own life as a direct result of being found fit for work and ineligible for ESA, following a work capability assessment (WCA).

Source: Coroner orders inquest into ‘fit for work’ man who collapsed after leaving jobcentre

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  1. jeffrey davies January 27, 2017 at 9:04 am - Reply

    trouble is the jcp dwp will say they sorry for his death but wil point out he died 6mnths after his wca its still unbelievable that these wca jcp treatment and dwp of all claiments they using any method to deny ones benefits

  2. NMac January 27, 2017 at 9:25 am - Reply

    These cases need to be given maximum publicity so that everyone is aware of what these nasty, heartless Tory politicians are doing to people.

  3. Roland Laycock January 27, 2017 at 10:40 am - Reply

    Another to go under the carpet

  4. wildswimmerpete January 27, 2017 at 5:17 pm - Reply

    Surely after all this we can stick Damian Green with a charge of corporate manslaughter? It only needs the one to open the floodgates. We can then avenge the deaths of vulnerable “Daniel Blakes” like Mr. Bond.

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