Electoral Commission launches investigation into Remain and Leave spending in EU referendum campaign

Last Updated: February 24, 2017By

Now, this is interesting.

Why is the Electoral Commission doing this? At the time of writing, information is very thin on the ground – and This Writer is about to leave the house to help run a regular Labour Party stall at the local market, so I don’t have anything more than the announcement.

But a result that criticises the ‘Leave’ campaign could have a huge effect on politics on the UK.

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  1. NMac February 24, 2017 at 10:18 am - Reply

    It may be that added to the blatant lies, the “Leave” crowd also cheated on their expenses. No surprises really because of their “big names”, Davis is a self-confessed liar, Fox should have been prosecuted for Misconduct in a Public Office/Official Secrets Act several years ago when he allowed “boyfriend” Adam Werritty into confidential ministerial meetings, and Duncan-Smith, as well as telling lies on his CV, is also heavily tarnished by the dishonesty alleged in the Betsygate affair. Gove, …well he is a sort of weird Mr Magoo figure, only with unpleasantness in place of humour, whose relationship with Murdoch probably wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny.

  2. jeffrey davies February 24, 2017 at 10:39 am - Reply

    who ever believed that these devils would give the that said money to the nhs must have been in cuckoo land but the eu has meddled in our laws the last straw was the eu fishery rule was the last one for me but there were many reasons i just forgot them now yes you can say these devils will now kill all laws for the workers and the poor but oh dear they doing that already under the watch of the eu and the un so in or out it seems we going to get the aktion t4 carry on of the great cull of the poor sick disabled mentaly ill jeff3

  3. Barry Davies February 24, 2017 at 3:42 pm - Reply

    Remain have been making many claims about leaves spending, but as everyone knows the government itself spent on the remain side in addition to the remain campaign when it sent out its propaganda lies “true facts”.

    • Mike Sivier February 26, 2017 at 1:21 pm - Reply

      And the government took heavy criticism for doing so, of course.

  4. Dez February 24, 2017 at 4:52 pm - Reply

    Was also interested in announcement that the Tories had just launched an attack on Farage election funding at the Thanet elections. Interesting as this was the constituency that the Tories focused a huge effort to prevent Farage getting in and was widely suspected as being the prime Tory area where funding would be enhanced to ensure victory. Suspect diversionery tactics to divert Police attention elsewhere other than themselves. The police Tory funding investigations seem to be on strike despite the other parties getting fined and investigated so far nothing going on with the Cons issue….unless of course the Police just know they are whiter than white and would never stoop so low as to cheat their funding to gain power.

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