MSM, Progress try to attack #Corbyntaxreturn, fail SPECTACULARLY | The SKWAWKBOX

Last Updated: March 6, 2017By

Here’s more clarity on Jeremy Corbyn’s taxes:

True to form… the ‘Pavlov’s saboteurs’ in the media and Progress director Richard Angell jumped on what they thought was a clever observation that had caught Corbyn out – a supposed omission in the details he released.

They were referring to a supposed discrepancy in the released return, claiming that Corbyn’s income figures were missing his additional salary as leader of the Opposition. Tories red and blue across social media were jumping for joy at this unexpected opportunity to attack the Labour leader.

However, all they managed to do was fail spectacularly.

In their rush to undermine Corbyn’s intelligent politics (and hand a reprieve to a Tory Chancellor squirming on a hook of his own making, but that doesn’t seem to matter even to supposed ‘Labour’ Angell), they had forgotten a very, very basic maxim:

Some documents have more than one page. Duh. Corbyn’s tax return, for example.

So eager were our eggy-faced anti-heroes to wave their trophy-find in triumph that they neglected to read beyond page one. Had they done so, they would have discovered that Corbyn’s document spans SIX pages.

And on page three, lo and behold, are the details of the additional income.

Source: MSM, Progress try to attack #Corbyntaxreturn, fail SPECTACULARLY | The SKWAWKBOX

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  1. Roland Laycock March 6, 2017 at 11:35 am - Reply

    MSM will twist is some way or the other

  2. gfranklinpercival March 6, 2017 at 12:20 pm - Reply

    What a little Angell, “Arrhh”.

  3. Rupert Mitchell (@rupert_rrl) March 6, 2017 at 12:30 pm - Reply

    It is worrying to know that these people are in positions of responsibility if they can’t check carefully and get their facts right. They are leaving themselves open to ridicule.

  4. marcusdemowbray March 6, 2017 at 12:35 pm - Reply

    My guess is that they DID see the relevant page, but went ahead to grab the Headlines anyway. Even if they have to apologise for their “error” they have done more damage to JC, and thoroughly switched the attention away from multi-millionaire Hammond’s refusal to publish HIS TAX RETURN.

  5. Zippi March 6, 2017 at 2:28 pm - Reply

    Not to mention that fact that Mr. Corbyn had earnt only part of his leader’s salary! Oops! Beslt leave the scrutiny to the experts at H.M.R.C.

  6. NMac March 6, 2017 at 3:16 pm - Reply

    Pity they don’t spend the same time and energy picking out the blatant frauds committed by the Tory Party.

  7. Larry Semmins March 6, 2017 at 4:09 pm - Reply

    Disgraceful piece from Norman Smith this morning on Radio 4 news.

  8. Zippi March 7, 2017 at 11:38 am - Reply

    Not to mention that fact that Mr. Corbyn had earnt only part of his leader’s salary! Oops! Best leave the scrutiny to the experts at H.M.R.C.
    (Sorry; typo in previous comment!)
    I have to say that all of this vilification of Mr. Corbyn is becoming rather tedious. I’m really surprised that people are falling for it… or are they? Donald Trump talks about “fake news” but we have experience of it, proven, in this country.

  9. katythenightowl March 9, 2017 at 12:19 am - Reply

    The trouble with this, is that so many people just skim the headlines, and don’t read deeper into the subject, so there are probably thousands of people out there whi’ll believe the tory lies about Jeremy Corbyn :(

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