Tory lie about people dying younger is typical – they just don’t want to take responsibility

Last Updated: April 4, 2017By


The fact is, the Conservative Government would rather these pensioners got hit and killed by a vehicle while crossing this road, if it meant they didn’t have to continue paying their pensions. If it happens to enough people, the Tories can start planning another tax giveaway to the already obscenely-rich.

The amount of time a UK citizen can expect to live is falling for the first time in decades, as reported on This Site on Sunday – but the Tories are trying to deny it after Jeremy Corbyn raised the issue during the launch of Labour’s local election campaign.

The figures are from the Office for National Statistics and were reported on the Independent news site – not known as a cheerleading site for Mr Corbyn or Labour – but the Conservatives are determined not to take responsibility for the results of their policies, it seems.

The Independent reported: “Updated projections from the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries suggest life expectancy will fall by four months for a 65-year-old man and by six months for a woman of the same age.

“Figures show that men aged 65 are anticipated to live a further 22.2 years, down from 22.8 years in 2013 and women a further 24.1 years, down from 25.1 years four years ago.

“The data were compiled in the institute’s Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) unit and supplied by the Office of National Statistics.

“The analysis also shows that life expectancy of those aged 45 is also on the decline, with a further 42 years to live for men and 44 for women, down from respectively 43 and 45.1 in 2013.

“The fall in life expectancy is due to a stall in improvements of mortality rates.

“For the past few decades, there has been a very strong improvement in life expectancy in the UK, both at birth but also for 65-year-olds.

“But that trend appears to have slowed down since 2011.”

That seems conclusive: The ONS has published figures showing that, since 2011, people have started dying at a younger age. The Conservative Party has been in office since 2011. It seems clear to This Writer that Tory policies are responsible for the reversal.

But when Jeremy Corbyn pointed this out in his speech at Newark today (April 4), the Tories lyingly said that the rate of improvement of life expectancy was falling, but that this was not the same as life expectancy falling.

That is not what the figures show.

They quite clearly show that people have started dying at a younger age.

Mr Corbyn – accurately – stated:

How can you not be angry and demand major change when life expectancy in Britain for pensioners and those aged 45 is falling? We are a rich country, the sixth richest in the world. We are not at war, there is no epidemic sweeping our land.

So how on earth can life expectancy be falling?

The truth is that the Tories are running our country down.

Home ownership, opportunities for our children, wages and conditions at work, the NHS, care for our elderly, and now, life expectancy: they’re all going backwards, run down by a Conservative government that looks after those at the top and manages decline for the rest of us.

(Source: Corbyn claims life expectancy is falling)

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  1. Walter Murry April 4, 2017 at 11:56 am - Reply

    The judicial service needs to make a full investigation into the government and there blatant breach of human rights of both the young ,elderly and disabled,any judge that doesn’t comply should be charged as well this is nothing more than mass murder of the population.

  2. NMac April 4, 2017 at 12:27 pm - Reply

    No only do the Tories deny proven facts, their chums in the reactionary media either support them or suppress the facts.

  3. Dan Delion April 4, 2017 at 1:14 pm - Reply

    The Tories are correct – the rate of improvement has fallen – in fact it has become negative according to the figures given – hardly an improvement!. Just a typical Tory spin on the truth.

  4. Terry Casey (@tcliverpool) April 4, 2017 at 3:26 pm - Reply

    It is said they got the wrong mix in the flu jab as they miscalculated what was required as it did not fight the strains that actually arrived which ended in the death of many old people, far from me to say it was a deliberate sabotage it saved the government £28b in pensions, euthanasia wrapped in the cloak of the NHS

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