How does Jeremy Hunt respond to the public? Like Theresa May, he runs away

Last Updated: May 7, 2017By

Theresa May and Jeremy Hunt are the Tory fools who have created the crisis in the English NHS. Tell them they are to blame. Vote against them on June 8.

Perhaps this is where Theresa May got the idea.

I was going to leave Jeremy Hunt alone after his appearances on TV – and the social media debunking of them – this morning (May 7).

But then this video arrived on my Twitter feed:

It reminded me of another, that probably received a little more attention:

And this one:

Now, we all know it’s fun – and healthy! – to mock bad politicians in this way, but let’s make one thing clear:

It is not worth voting for them, just to see them being followed by a mocking musical accompanist!

So remember:

On June 8, Vote Labour.

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  1. Dez May 7, 2017 at 3:32 pm - Reply

    How does he feel? He could not give a toss……just like the rest of the featured few in the film who were totally typical tory yes men “suits”…..probably thinking their actions will line them nicely for a top job in the NHS and maybe even rewarded with another Tory honour for their CV’s. What a Country we have become.

  2. Rob May 7, 2017 at 7:24 pm - Reply

    Fantastic video clip , give that woman a medal she was tenacious and polite but firm and resolute .Well done whoever you are .
    This needs to go viral big time
    and hunt(c) lives down to one’s lowest of the low expectations , lower than VERMIN ,

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