Hunt stays but Trump stays away – and the public response to both is jaw-dropping [STRONG LANGUAGE]

She’ll be gone before the end of the year but in the meantime, Theresa May is covering herself in: Denial.
Theresa May has reshuffled her cabinet, presumably in a bid to make us think she is serious about running a government after her disastrous performance in the general election.
The full list of cabinet appointments is here if you really want to look, but only two names seem important at the moment.
The first is Tory backstabber-in-chief Michael Gove, who returns as Environment Secretary. Mrs May was quizzed on this choice by Beth Rigby for Sky News, and you can tell from the tone of the questioning that the reporter had already decided this was a prime minister who was hanging on by her fingernails:
Theresa May is asked about the Cabinet reshuffle, Michael Gove and how she is feeling after #GE2017, by Sky's @BethRigby
— Sky News (@SkyNews) June 11, 2017
May's arch-nemesis Michael Gove returns as Environment Secretary – a mark of how weakened she is.
— George Eaton (@georgeeaton) June 11, 2017
The other is Jeremy Hunt, returning like a contagious illness to the Department of Health in what many have already taken as a signal that, if she achieves nothing else, Theresa May wants to be remembered as the PM who killed the National Health Service and permanently harmed the well-being of the nation.
Reporters are now referring to Mr Hunt openly by his unflattering nickname. If you are offended by strong language, please do not play the following clips:
Jeremy who? @SkyNews You have got to watch this Freudian slip #JeremyHunt #skynews #Cabinet
— Lee Morris (@1leemorris) June 11, 2017
Freud strikes again! Jeremy who…? #JeremyHunt
— Pete Sinclair (@pete_sinclair) June 11, 2017
Twitter has responded to the appointment in its usual charitable way:
Jeremy Hunt will stay as Health Secretary
— Hugh Pym (@BBCHughPym) June 11, 2017
Can you hear the collective screams of 1.3mn NHS staff? Mind you someone else would have continued same damaging policies – cut/cut/cut
— Dr David Wrigley (@DavidGWrigley) June 11, 2017
That sound is dropped hospital bed pans as Jeremy Hunt stays at Health in May's nonshuffle. She must really hate the NHS
— Kevin Maguire (@Kevin_Maguire) June 11, 2017
So Jeremy Hunt stays – could there be a clearer indication that they don't give shit about the NHS.
— Brian Moore (@brianmoore666) June 11, 2017
Theresa May in reappointing Jeremy Hunt Health Secretary has sent a clear signal to NHS Patients & Staff. She refuses to listen to voters.
— Tory Fibs (@ToryFibs) June 11, 2017
Jeremy Hunt will be staying on as health secretary, just incase you needed confirmation of what Theresa May thinks of you. #ToriesOutNow
— Rachael Swindon (@Rachael_Swindon) June 11, 2017
The reason why Theresa May reappointed #JeremyHunt as Health Secretary is b/c she wants her short legacy as PM to be a privatised NHS.
— John Smith (son of Harry Leslie Smith) (@Harryslaststand) June 11, 2017
In other news, US President Donald Trump has told Theresa May in a phone call he does not want to go ahead with a state visit to Britain until the British public supports him coming.
The British public has responded in typically British fashion. This is just one example:
In fairness, it seems Mr Trump should be used to this kind of language as it appears to have been used about him, already, by at least one prominent US citizen:
With LGBT protests today on both coasts, let's take a moment to consider that our current president is a bloviating, mendacious shitgibbon.
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) June 11, 2017
Already, just days after the general election, the future is looking brighter…
What is it with Theresa May and orange politicians?
— Peter Dowd (@Peter_Dowd) June 11, 2017
… although it appears to be brighter orange.
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Have you noticed the big chains she wears around her neck? Are these the same as the ones Marley’s ghost has to wear in Dickens Christmas Carol as punishment? “The chains you forge in life…”
I thought it was a choke chain like the ones used by chaves on their bulldog!
I love it! You know the news teams are calling Tim that all the time!
A few weeks ago I thought Cameron would go down in history as the biggest failure as PM in British history. It is now very clear that the title has been taken by May who, I suspect, will also have one of the shortest tenures. She is now a sick joke. JC4PM.
Teresa May, death of a thousand cuts ?