On-script: The Alan Mak drinking game

Coming to shops soon – the programmable Alan Mak! He’ll repeat anything you tell him – ad absurdam. Watch and see!
Many other commentators have been having fun with the ridiculous display by Havant MP Alan Mak, who was interviewed by the BBC’s Simon McCoy yesterday. It would be cruel for us to join in.
So let’s do it anyway.
Mr Mak was pilloried – by his interviewer, among others – for his use of formulaic soundbites that were completely out-of-touch with the mood of the country, as though he had been presented a script by Conservative Central HQ and told to run with it, whatever happened.
The performance reminded This Writer of a scene from The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy in which it is suggested that lead character Arthur Dent should have his brain removed and replaced with a mechanical one: “It could be programmed to say, ‘What?’ and ‘Where’s the tea?’ and who’d know the difference?”
This appears to have happened to Mr Mak, except he has been programmed with a different list of words.
That being the case, it’s time for a new drinking game!*
The task is simple. Watch the following clip and take a sip of the drink of your choice every time Mr Mak mentions any of the following words or phrases:
Tough election period
National interest
Good deal
Here’s the clip:
Watch @BBCSimonMcCoy's reaction when Tory MP @AlanMakHavant tells him the @Conservatives are going to form a "strong and stable" government. pic.twitter.com/15I7JcGU5R
— BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) June 12, 2017
It is only two-and-a-bit minutes long but, if you’re playing with an alcoholic drink, just you see if you’re still legally able to drive at the end of it!
*Before starting, please bear in mind that you may play this with alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks; This Site will not take responsibility for your ruptured liver.
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From their so-called leader downwards the Tories are a very sick joke.
It’s a Makbot!
My MP unfortunately, He has a shady past too and is not even from around here and knew absolutely **** all about Havant when he won the seat in 2015 and never been seen in the large Council estate Havant has, Just another of your wannabe politicians
Mind your language, Leon.
Yes glad did not try the drinking game listening to this robots brain implant verbeage….I think I would have been violently ill. Talk about la la land…where do they find these robots…..where’s the key that winds them up each time.
Lol very funny ? oh boy
Hitchhiker’s guide.. ah the fond memories
BBC giving Tories a hard time? Have I been transorted to a parallel Universe? Or is the growing prospect of a Labour Govt with Corbyn as PM making the BBC grandees change their bias in favour of Labour in case they are “punished” by such a political change? Interesting that even Laura K has softened her tone.