Tory hypocrisy: They criticised Corbyn for supporting Venezuela while selling weapons to its government

Police on motorcycles patrol in Caracas, Venezuela [Image: Carlos Garcia Rawlins/Reuters].

So much for Conservative morals.

They will sell anything to anybody – including weapons to countries that attack human rights, like Venezuela’s current leadership – or that of Saudi Arabia.

And yet they criticise Jeremy Corbyn for providing only verbal support to Venezuela.

And let’s get something clear: Mr Corbyn’s enthusiasm related to the leadership of the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, who tripled his nation’s wealth during his first 12 years in government.

Can you imagine that in the UK?

On his death in 2013, This Writer stated: “He has cut extreme poverty by two-thirds, and general poverty by almost half.

“He has cut infant mortality and improved equality; and he has cut unemployment by almost half, to 8.2 per cent (strikingly close to the UK level).

“He has improved his nations infrastructure and public services.

“And he has proved that left-wing policies can improve prosperity and increase economic growth.

“That’s why the right-wing press hate him. He shows there is a better alternative to the nightmare we are living through.”

Sadly, Mr Chavez was replaced by people who did not share his vision, hence the situation in that country today. Mr Corbyn has condemned it, but that isn’t good enough for the Tory hypocrites who have exacerbated the situation by sending weapons there.

It is always worth checking the facts.

Despite what the right-wing, mainstream media are saying, it is Theresa May and her Tories who are to be condemned over Venezuela. Now you know.

Britain has sold military equipment worth millions of pounds to Venezuela in the last decade, it has emerged, prompting calls for Theresa May to suspend controlled export licences while the country in is the grip of violent clashes between police and protesters.

Government figures show military equipment was approved for sale from UK-based companies to Venezuela’s armed forces as recently as September last year, despite the Foreign Office listing the country as “of concern” regarding human rights.

Overall, £2.5m of military goods have been sold to the country since 2008, including components for military radar, weapon sights and military aircraft engines. In the last year of figures, to March 2016, licences for goods worth more than £80,000 were approved, including equipment for crowd control to be used by law enforcement agencies.

The revelations will prompt questions about why the government continues to allow arms sales to countries the Foreign Office lists as having a poor human rights record, from Venezuela to Saudi Arabia.

No 10 has repeatedly criticised Nicolás Maduro’s government for imprisoning opposition leaders. It described the death of at least 120 protesters as a tragedy, and called on the country to respect human rights and uphold the rule of law.

Some senior Conservatives have attacked the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, for condemning violence on all sides but stopping short of specifically criticising the Maduro government.

Read more: UK criticised over sales of military equipment to Venezuela

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No Comments

  1. Christine Bergin August 11, 2017 at 6:37 pm - Reply

    Would advisee reading Skwak box on the situationin Venuzuels. Very enlightening

  2. PJB August 11, 2017 at 10:19 pm - Reply

    They have better bikes than us lol

  3. concernedkev August 12, 2017 at 1:36 pm - Reply

    We as Socialists should take heed of how the MSM are portraying Maduro as a Dictator and we have a duty to search out what is really happening in Venezuela
    The economy is being deliberately damaged by Multi National companies by creating false food and other shortages to turn the people against a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT. The many opposition groups who have been funded by the CIA/US have been the ones who have been murdering people on the streets in some cases by setting fire to them. Five Police Officers have died in recent weeks all at the hands of the opposition. The Billionaire Owned Press is pumping out untruths constantly and our own Lame Stream Media repeat their lies.
    The recent election of the Constituent Assembly, which represents all sections of Society especially the poor and disadvantaged was supported by 8 MILLION people and the opposition refused to take part.
    The USA want their hands on Venezuela’s massive OIL RESERVES and want to destroy the example of how Society can be organised for the many not the few.

    @RealNews and @teleSUREnglish have been good on the ground alternative media sources telling it in video and from internal experts what the World does not get to hear and see.

  4. rotzeichen August 12, 2017 at 6:58 pm - Reply

    Please watch both videos, we have seen all of this before, the CIA are at it again.

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