Is this another coroner covering up for the government after yet another benefit claimant is found dead?

Let’s get this straight:

A man suffering from anxiety, stress and panic attacks, but who has still been deemed fit for work by our prejudiced DWP assessment system, tells a mental health practitioner “What’s the point”?

He hands his car keys and bank details to his only acquaintance, saying he won’t need them any longer.

Shortly afterwards, he is found dead on a beach, showing signs of drowning and hypothermia.

And it isn’t enough to suggest that the DWP drove this man to suicide?

This seems like more evidence that the Coroner Service is being told to cover up for the government.

Coroner Crispin Oliver may have satisfied himself that his verdict was within the letter of the law – but was he abiding by its spirit?

A man who had been suffering with mental health problems for many years has been found dead on a beach in England, after being found ‘fit for work’ by the Department for Work and Pensions and told his sickness benefits were being removed.

David Metcalf, 54, was found dead on the beach near Horden, County Durham, on the 3rd January, just four days after being examined by a mental health practitioner at his home in Hartlepool.

In his report, the mental health practitioner Leighann Fishpool said: “David was signed off sick for nine years due to anxiety, stress and panic attacks.

“He has recently been deemed fit for work and told he would need to go to the JobCentre to claim Jobseeker’s Allowance.

“He said he was frustrated and upset and thought ‘What’s the point?’”

Concerns were raised after Mr Metcalf handed his car keys and bank documents to a garage owner, who is believed to have been his only acquaintance, saying he would no longer need them.

Mr Metcalf was found still dressed in a jumper, coat and gloves, but was not wearing any socks or underwear. However, Detective Sgt Gary Davison told the hearing that he didn’t think this was particularly unusual.

The inquest heard that a post-mortem showed signs of drowning and hypothermia.

The Hartlepool Mail reports that Mr Metcalf had denied any intention to harm himself, and the coroner said it was unclear as to whether he had entered the sea accidentally or deliberately.

Without clear evidence that Mr Metcalf had intended to commit suicide when entering the sea, Coroner Mr Oliver recorded an ‘open verdict’.

“I simply cannot come to the conclusion beyond reasonable doubt that he intended to kill himself and, therefore, the suicide conclusion is not available,” he said.

Source: Mentally ill man found dead on beach after his sickness benefits were removed

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  1. Fibro confused August 19, 2017 at 10:47 am - Reply

    I was stunned when I read this a couple of days ago, who hands over the keys to their car and bank details saying I won’t need them anymore. How could the coroner come up with no determinable reason?! How many more cases have there been where a similar judgment has been made? I can’t even hazard a guess.

  2. Samuel Miller (@Hephaestus7) August 19, 2017 at 7:19 pm - Reply

    In another case, a coroner found that the “trigger” for the suicide was “his recent assessment by a DWP doctor as being fit for work”. [see] Coroner says DWP assessment is to blame for suicide (From The National)

    • Samuel Miller (@Hephaestus7) August 20, 2017 at 3:32 am - Reply

      Mike, we need to pressure the government to launch a benefit deaths inquiry—and the Green Party is calling for one, too.

  3. Dez August 19, 2017 at 9:23 pm - Reply

    This is very concerning that yet another Coroner has made a pro-Government decision that to most lay persons is a straight forward suicide. I’m sure Crispin is not looking for a knight hood for services rendered from his Conservative friends however as sure as hell he needs to find himself another job that he is actually competent to officiate independantly over in a fair manner. If the deceased had a family I’m sure they would be asking for a new Court review. These people are our public servants not the Government protector covering up their misdeeds. The Chief Coroner is equally to blame for sitting on the fence in these cases instead of sending out the memo to all Courts and Coroners to closely review these DWP suicides……which he declined to do…..Why??? Promotion prospect diminished, no gong later on whatever his reasons he is another who needs a stiff boot up the backside to wake up his biased agenda.

  4. wildthing666 August 20, 2017 at 2:53 pm - Reply

    Was the coroner just plain stupid or a Tory voter? IMHO a stupid Tory voter

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