Poverty is the enemy of good mental health. Why do Tories increase it?

Epidemiologist Richard Wilkinson. He ‘found that poverty and social inequality have direct and indirect effects on the social, mental and physical wellbeing of an individual,’ writes Maureen Tilford [Image: Linda Nylind for the Guardian].
They say they want the NHS to work properly, within the budgets set out for it – but then they worse conditions in society, forcing more people to seek medical help.
In this case, more people are seeking help with mental illnesses because of poverty that has been forced on them by stupid Tory austerity policies.
Only yesterday, This Site published an article on medical experts’ plans to record social issues including poverty as contributing factors to mental illness.
Now, people have been writing in to The Guardian to support political action against poverty – precisely to stop it affecting mental health.
Here’s Dr Maureen Tilford:
As far back as 1963, research by Langer and Michael found that psychiatric conditions not only occur at higher rates in the poorest areas, but also cluster together, usually in disintegrating inner-city communities. Money is not a guarantor of mental health, nor does its absence necessarily lead to mental illness. However, it is generally conceded that poverty can be both a determinant and a consequence of poor mental health.
More recently, the epidemiologist Richard Wilkinson found that poverty and social inequality have direct and indirect effects on the social, mental and physical wellbeing of an individual. It is clear that poverty and inequality are closely linked and that income inequality produces psychosocial stress.
The wealth gap in the UK is greater than at any time since the first world war and continues to grow. Unless this is addressed at a most senior level in government, the demand on the police will continue, not to mention the suffering of all those callers. This cannot be viewed as a purely health service issue. Allowing the wealth gap to spiral out of control is having serious adverse effects on the UK population on many levels.
And Reverend Paul Nicolson of Taxpayers Against Poverty has this to say:
Prevention of mental illness, and hunger created by low income and debt, requires an increase in taxation and unemployment benefits which many of us would be willing to accept. Central government is making households destitute by shredding unemployment incomes and then stopping them with the benefit sanction, allowing zero-hours contracts and by rolling out the universal credit. Local government then taxes the benefits and sends in the bailiffs to collect the inevitable arrears, adding court costs and huge bailiffs’ fees.
It takes a very rare degree of resilience for mental health to withstand three powerful government departments shelling out threats of bailiffs, prison, eviction and homelessness against a single debtor, who is often struggling to put food on the table for dependent relatives. As Psychologists Against Austerity have reported, such abuses of power are creating humiliation, shame, fear, distrust, instability, insecurity, isolation and loneliness in trapped and powerless citizens.
Source: Poverty is at the heart of mental health crisis | Letters | Society | The Guardian
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This government is full of proven liars and I do not believe they have ever had any intention of funding fully any department for mental health let alone the NHS. They seem to believe it’s only the poor the suffer this illness and therefore it is beneath their notice.
If you are on benefits now the pressure is unbelievable you are litteraly being hounded and criminalised becouse of torie policys dragged before the courts over and over again for council tax council tax plus fines from £72 a week you just have to be very inventive with your money but its jst a relentles grind umployers dont employ over 50s and zero hours youl starve you know no wonder people are cracking up