Jacob Rees-Mogg has shares in abortion pills – and it DOES make him a hypocrite

Apologies for the mis-spelling of his surname (it’s Rees-Mogg). This is an image by Wear Red, on Facebook.
Jacob Rees-Mogg has tried to justify his investment in a firm that sells pills used in abortions, claiming that the procedure is illegal in Indonesia, where the firm is based.
He reckons this means he isn’t a hypocrite.
Sorry, Mr Rees-Mogg, but that line won’t hold.
The pills are used in abortions. Whether they are legal or not is immaterial. If he is as set against them, because of his Catholic beliefs, as he says, then Mr Rees-Mogg could not – morally – have anything to do with Kalbe Farma.
And what about exports? Abortions may be illegal in Indonesia, but where else does Kalbe Farma sell these pills?
It seems Mr Rees-Mogg’s religious convictions are less important to him than profit.
This is deeply relevant when considering his current status as the darling of the Tory Party, seen as a potential replacement for Theresa May as prime minister, or at least Tory leader.
This is a man who claims to hold a particular set of beliefs, but throws those beliefs aside in his business practices.
How can the public trust him to address their concerns if he can’t even be trusted to act according to (what he says are) his own?
Jacob Rees-Mogg, who recently said he was against abortion even for pregnancies resulting from rape, has admitted that his investment firm profits from pills used in abortions.
Mr Rees-Mogg, a devout Catholic who has been touted as a possible replacement for Theresa May as leader of the Conservatives, defended his fund, Somerset Capital Management’s £5m investment in an Indonesian company called Kalbe Farma.
Mr Rees-Mogg told the Sunday Mirror: “It would be wrong to pretend that I like it but the world is not always what you want it to be.
“Kalbe Farma obeys Indonesian law so it’s a legitimate investment and there’s no hypocrisy. The law in Indonesia would satisfy the Vatican.”
Kalbe Farme produces and markets pills that are used to treat stomach ulcers but they are widely known to trigger terminations and in Indonesia, where abortions are illegal and carried out in black market clinics, they are commonly used for this purpose.
Source: Anti-abortion MP Jacob Rees-Mogg admits profiting from sale of abortion pills
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This needs the maximum publicity to show this loathsome and weird reactionary character up for the thoroughly dishonest and corrupt hypocrite he is.
Money first second and last
The law in Indonesia might satisfy the Vatican but what about the investment? What about your conscience? I read the headline, yesterday. You cannot defend this, Mr. Rees-Mogg. Far be it for me to judge but you should have claimed ignorance and sold your interest, rather than try to defend the indefensible.
This is a common theme throughout the Tory party, As mentioned above, the pursuit of personal profit is the driving ambition of them all. This claim of religious adherence from Mogg, is an insult to the electorate’s intelligence and exhibits his true philosophy bordering on hate, but certainly discrimination and greed.