Theresa May needed to offer more to the EU than continued court jurisdiction

David Davis (L) and Michel Barnier: The body language says it all – we need them; they don’t need us [Image: Reuters/Yves Herman].
So this is a further sign of Mrs May’s – and the Tory negotiating team’s – weakness. Right?
Don’t expect any progress from the next round of Brexit talks, which start on Monday. Theresa May isn’t in a position to make the concrete concessions that will be needed to move the negotiations forward, and the EU won’t trust a nod and a wink from a wounded leader.
The prime minister hoped she could unblock the stalled negotiations with her Florence speech two weeks ago. That now seems almost a lifetime away. Boris Johnson’s exocet missiles, May’s own disastrous speech at the Tory conference and the plot to kick her out as leader have shattered what little authority she had.
The Florence speech involved no fewer that eight u-turns. This was enough for Michel Barnier, the EU Commission’s negotiator, to pronounce there was a “new dynamic” in the talks. But it was always clear that we would have to make more concessions before EU leaders agreed to authorise discussions on our future deal.
After Florence it looked like May was preparing those concessions. A week ago The Times said she was going to accept divorce costs of £40 billion. She would also spell out a way to “ensure legal force is given to decisions by EU judges on the residency rights of Europeans living in Britain”. The EU summit in two weeks would then agree to let Barnier discuss the transitional deal which the prime minister has finally started to realise is needed to ensure the economy doesn’t fall off a cliff when we quit the EU in March 2019.
A week is an awfully long time in politics. Now The Telegraph is reporting that the UK will not be making any more concessions on money in next week’s talks.
Source: Brexit talks even more dead in water after May fiasco
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Seems the leavers were spot on that the eu would prevaricate and pretend it was in control when the truth is they are demanding money they are not entitled to because they have no idea what they are doing they have not as yet had a meeting of the national foreign ministers to discuss the situation so Barmier is just making demands for a divorce payment like a spurned woman and pretending we haven’t done anything to move the process along. As ever with eu negotiations they will wait till the last minute before deciding to negotiate.
“Like a spurned woman”? I’d go a little lighter on the sexism if you want to be taken seriously.
Despite many warnings to the contrary, the arrogant May and her very fourth-rate cohorts thought they would be dictating to the EU. The harsh reality was always going to be very different, but these nasty people are still intent on putting the clocks back by 50 years. The mess they have landed the country in borders on the criminal.