Pestminster: Fallon’s confession means nothing – he isn’t even on the Tory sex spreadsheet
UPDATE 15:44 OCTOBER 31: Owen Jones has just clarified that it is the Sun story about Michael Fallon that is not on the sex spreadsheet. That document is now available publicly, if you know where to look, so you can find out for yourself whether Mr Fallon is included for other reasons.

Michael Fallon: If he’s looking worried, think how the other Tory MPs on the ‘Pestminster’ sex spreadsheet feel – not to mention the prime minister who had weekly briefings on their activities and did nothing to stop them.
It seems This Writer was mistaken in speculating that Michael Fallon was a particular person mentioned on the spreadsheet of 36 Tory MPs and their sexual indiscretions – Owen Jones, Aaron Bastani and Ash Sarkar (among others) have seen the unredacted list and he isn’t on it.
Some of us live a long way from the Westminster bubble and aren’t afforded these privileges.
This information has led to speculation on the reason for Mr Fallon’s confession – on a very narrow spectrum, as it seems obvious:
Mr Fallon’s confession was a distraction from the far more serious crimes committed by other people who are named on the spreadsheet.
I’ve read the uncensored spreadsheet of allegations concerning Tory MPs and it is deeply disturbing.
— Owen Jones (@OwenJones84) October 31, 2017
2) Fallon story in today’s @TheSun looks like coordinated PR between them and Fallon. Bad as it is there are bigger names and worse things>
— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) October 31, 2017
4) May reported at weekend of dealing w/ numerous issues at weekly ‘ins and outs’ meeting. This document is more limited >
— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) October 31, 2017
6) but if Prime Minister was in receipt of even a tiny fraction of information in that document, she has to resign. Deluge of terrible acts>
— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) October 31, 2017
8) in every sense no driver at the wheel. Britain doesn’t have a government. May can’t maintain basic decency let alone discipline in ranks>
— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) October 31, 2017
10) if @theresa_may cared about party she would have inquiry into this, have several MPs lose the whip and resign. Expect none to happen >
— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) October 31, 2017
We know what's alleged, and who is implicated. We can't say more due to the strength of UK libel laws.
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) October 31, 2017
What I've seen is a culture of callousness, unaccountability and the blurring of political and personal power – with devastating effects.
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) October 31, 2017
This asymmetry of power is reflected in the fact that a privileged circle of ppl know what's in the doc & the rest of the country doesn't.
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) October 31, 2017
We all need to create the demand to see this story put out there – corroborated, credible, and politically effective.
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) October 31, 2017
The culture of grooming, exploitation, hypocrisy and intimidation – backed up by political and economic capital – is the real story here.
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) October 31, 2017
“Deeply disturbing.”
“Gross misconduct in public office.”
“Pervasive abuse of power at the highest level of govt.”
“Deluge of terrible acts.”
“Ranges from unprofessional to criminal.”
“Culture of callousness, unaccountability and the blurring of political and personal power – with devastating effects.”
“The culture of grooming, exploitation, hypocrisy and intimidation – backed up by political and economic capital – is the real story here.”
“If Prime Minister was in receipt of even a tiny fraction of information in that document, she has to resign.”
“May can’t maintain basic decency.”
We know Theresa May received all the information in that document.
Chief Tory whip regularly updated Theresa May on behaviour of Tory MPs named in the ‘dirty dossier’.
Her face says it all. It’s game over.
— Socialist Voice (@SocialistVoice) October 30, 2017
Therefore, it seems clear, she must resign.
But there is nobody in the Conservative Party to replace her.
With nobody named – they must all come under suspicion.
One more pleasant footnote is the fact that The Sun has blundered badly by publishing Michael Fallon’s confession.
People everywhere have dismissed it as collusion with the minority Conservative government to distract attention away from the real monsters:
Is it cynical to believe tomorrow's Sun front is an attempt to defang a huge Westminster scandal by rolling with its most dilute example?
— James B (@piercepenniless) October 30, 2017
The Michael Fallon story isn’t on ‘the spreadsheet’.
Britain’s second biggest paper is a public relations outfit for the government.
— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) October 31, 2017
And remember:
Michael Fallon apologised for groping, but hasn't for calling female journalist 'slut'; being Apartheid supporter; UK bombs killing children
— StrongerStabler (@StrongerStabler) October 31, 2017
At least now we can suggest a reason for Mrs May’s silence after Michael Gove made his appalling rape joke (if it can be called that) on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.
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Surely Fallon should be added to the list. His obnoxious indiscretions have been known about for quite some time, when he inappropriately groped a young woman at some sort of diplomatic reception. A drunken Tory slob.
It’s disgusting that these people are ‘our’ elected representatives. it’s time to put some distance between these despots and the electorate.