Pay-to-see-GP service expanding across the UK as Tories expand ‘two-tier’ privatisation of NHS

Under the new scheme you can bribe your doctors to see you first by giving them £40. Do you have a spare £40? [Yes, I know the image uses dollars].
The Tories are saying you can skip NHS queues by paying for NHS services.
It is completely unfair and a betrayal of the principles of fairness on which the NHS was founded, as it pushes the poor back down the queue and ensures that they remain sicker, longer.
It does, however, support the principles on which the Conservative Party is based – rich people first; poor people last.
It would be welcome to hope that users of the health service will refuse to participate in this betrayal – but people do what they must, and Tory supporters will do it to spite the others.
Let us hope that the Labour government that is coming will ban this project as the divisive and dangerous attempt to undermine the nation’s health that it is.
A revolutionary new Uber-style service that guarantees same-day GP appointments is to be rolled out across the UK next year.
Billed as an answer to patients being unable to get appointments to see their doctor it is a bid to ease the NHS by mobilising their part-time GP workforce.
The unique online service called Doctaly has been branded the ‘next online game-changer’ and enables patients to skip NHS queues to see a GP privately within a couple of hours – for a one-off fee of just under £40.
Source: Same day £40 service for face to face meeting with GP to expand across the UK – Mirror Online
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If you use this go service you have to de-register from your local go practise. This service can’t take blood pressure readings can’t do your temperature listen to yr chest etc so how is this service going to be better than visiting your own doctor
> If you use this go service you have to de-register from your local go practise.
Wrong. You cannot have an appointment through the service with a doctor from your registered practice.
> This service can’t take blood pressure readings can’t do your temperature listen to yr chest etc
I’d be surprised if that was true given that they can take *actual blood samples*
We already pay to see a GP through tax and national insurance! We are being made to pay twice for the same thing! Would a private company get away with it? National insurance is just that, an insurance policy designed to protect us in time of need, if the underwriter refuses to pay out they should be removed from the “company” immediately. Bad investment and self serving prove their inability to do the job they are paid for!!!
So, if you have the money the doctor will see you, if you don’t the doctor will just sit behind their desk waiting for the call?
Thin end of the edge
Why can’t the Tories leave our NHS alone? They never wanted it. They voted against it. Now they are killing it inch by inch.
Divide and Rule. Divide and Rule. Its the nasty Tory way.
Let us hope that the decent people of this country with the help of the UNIONS will be up in arms at long last and do something about getting rid of this vile Tory regime. Where is the Labour leadership comment on all this?
utterly repugnant, and thats just the tories. theft, bribes, coruption greed, oh sorry i’m still on the tories
good solution to fixing a problem coming from the tory, kind of like asking boris to wear a bull’s outfit and run round a china shop, it is not going to fix the issue, long-term effects will be people having to wait longer to see a gp, then what will happen the issue will become more high risk and what a surprise they end up using the a+e, then again what have we to worry about the tory make a assessor decide if your fit to work Qualified professional team will soon be taking over run by three highly exceptional companies backed up by a highly competent department. we feel
strong and stable, 350 million will have been invested somewhere and were in safe hands,
I just stated 3 lies can I be a minister!!!
I would be more concerned as to the quality of the doctors they propose to use and where are they going to come from…..moonlighting knackered GPs and Hospitals doctors perhaps bearing in mind there is no apparent surplus of GPs at the moment
so where are they coming from? Feels like another dental privatisation coming our way for our GP service. What a crock of poo these Cons are with their cunning plans. I’m sure the rich already have their own private medical opinions already this is for the middle class catchment.