London is planning the biggest protest in history – against Donald Trump

Donald Trump might be chummy with Theresa May – but he should not expect the same relationship with the British people.
London is set to have its “biggest protest in British history” when Donald Trump arrives in the UK, a senior Labour politician has claimed, as thousands expressed their support for a demonstration on social media.
Plans for a protest have been mooted since Theresa May extended the offer of a state visit to the UK when she became the first world leader to meet the President in the White House, following his inauguration last year.
Since then, campaigners, politicians and celebrities have all spoken out against the plan.
After the plan was initially mooted, more than 22,000 people signed up to a Facebook event to express their interest in the proposed demonstration.
Taking to Twitter, Labour MP David Lammy wrote that Mr Trump would be “met by the biggest protest this country has ever seen.”
Source: London is planning the biggest protest in history
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Perhaps everyone should wave nappies/diapers to show just how infantile he is.
The bigger the protest the better.
The biggest protest in London’s history was the save the NHS march which the mass media hardly covered. I was there on my crutches so I know how big it was, I doubt that many people give a damn about Trump.
The biggest protest was the stop the war march. david lammys a fool if he thinks 22,000 is a big protest