Bridgen doubles-down on Activate’s grossly-offensive cold weather tweet – on TV. Are they quoting Tory dogma?

Last Updated: March 4, 2018By

This is as low as the Conservative Party can get. It’s active support for the cold-weather deaths of the homeless.

First, Conservative youth movement Activate – also known as “Active Hate” – published the following disgusting tweet:

The response was a huge social media backlash, including the following:

And what was Activate’s response to the criticism? It was… predictable:

No, indeed. But it seems the Tories think their display of contempt for the vulnerable is perfectly acceptable, because Andrew Bridgen doubled down – I believe that’s the correct term, repeating it on the BBC’s Sunday Politics:

This must stop.

Let us see Theresa May apologise for the behaviour of her MP – and disband the vile Activate.

Oh, and before anyone tries to suggest that the tweet, and the remark, are fair comment, let us all remember: The claim that socialists don’t pay for anything themselves is a childish Tory lie. Socialists pay taxes; socialists pay their bills.

It’s Tories who dodge tax – and Tory MPs who get the rest of us to pay their bills by claiming them as expenses.

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  1. Roger Charlesworth March 4, 2018 at 10:57 pm - Reply

    He obviously needs to be Abridged

  2. NMac March 5, 2018 at 8:11 am - Reply

    Evil evil people.

  3. Growing Flame March 5, 2018 at 9:41 am - Reply

    This joke is actually worse than having a laugh about homelessness. It emphasises a familiar Tory theme about Labour taking away the hard-earned money of the “ordinary man (sic) in the street” to waste it on unworthy people. Suggesting that it would be odd for Socialists to have to pay any money themselves.This is a powerful Tory vote-winner with many stressed, over-worked working-class people. It successfully diverts attention away from the Establishment’s huge wealth and tax-avoidance, and transfers anger onto those at the bottom of society. It is used to reduce the welfare state to a pittance, available only for the truly contemptible. And , yet, still blame those at the bottom for the worries suffered by other workers.

    We need to answer THAT aspect of the comment, not just focus on the immorality of getting a “laugh” out of death in the cold.

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