Gove’s disrespect for the government’s Windrush victims – and Jews – shows Tory racism is rife

Michael Gove: One wonders how Chelsea FC and its fans feel about having this racist as a fellow supporter.
Well done, Michael Gove, for demonstrating that racism of all kinds is rife in the Conservative government.
Mr Gove has tried to play down the seriousness of the Windrush scandal by claiming the Labour Party has “weaponised” it to distract from concerns over anti-Semitism in its own party.
But anti-Semitism in Labour is known to have fallen – and its main problem is falsely smearing innocent people – while the Windrush Scandal is a serious, and continuing, threat to UK citizens.
So Mr Gove has disrespected both Commonweath immigrants who became citizens of the UK and the nation’s population of Jewish people.
Here‘s what he said, courtesy of The Guardian:
“Michael Gove has suggested that Labour … “weaponised” the Windrush scandal to distract from its own row over antisemitism.
“Backing Rudd’s own claims on Twitter that she had simply missed the document, Gove said: “What we are witnessing is an example of government not functioning as it should have done, and that’s something for which the home secretary has taken responsibility.
““There does seem to be a series of leaks, or sharing with the Guardian in particular, that is designed to serve a particular agenda … There’s a campaign against the government and against the home secretary. What’s not surprising is that this happens at the same time as the Labour party is mired in allegations of it’s failure to deal with antisemitism.”
““This is about politics,” Gove said. “And the focus on whether or not a particular document that was cc’d to a particular address was then put in a particular box at a particular time – and we know it wasn’t – is intended to distract from the difficulties that the Labour party faces with handling prejudice in its own ranks.”
““Labour are attempting to weaponise this. I think that is quite wrong.””
Of course Mr Gove has fallen foul of the social media police, who know an attempt to fool us when they see it:
“How dare Labour weaponise something as insignificant as a brutal, borderline racist policy that destroyed countless lives, led to homelessness, joblessness, deportations without appeal and even deaths as British people were stripped of their rights after 50 years in our country”
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) April 28, 2018
Classic projection. Bright enough to realise that he’s sacrificed some of his own humanity on the altar of blind partisanship, he accuses others of his own sin.
— James O'Brien (@mrjamesob) April 28, 2018
Antony Lerman, below, provides a Jewish perspective:
With friends like @michaelgove we Jews don’t need enemies. Can’t get more disgusting to imply Windrush pain is some trumped up issue compared to politicised Labour Party #antisemitism issue
— Antony Lerman (@tonylerman) April 28, 2018
Michael Gove defends Amber Rudd on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme saying “This is about politics.” It’s not, it’s about people’s lives & policies which have inflicted inhumane treatment on British citizens, denied them medical treatment, imprisoned them & deported them
— Peter Stefanovic (@PeterStefanovi2) April 28, 2018
And Mr Gove ignored that for petty party political purposes.
In trying to minimise the Windrush scandal, he has proved himself as vile a racist as Amber Rudd and his hate-filled prime minister, Theresa May.
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Weaponising is the latest Tory Newspeak is it? Gove is just parroting the phrase which has been applied to a number of issues recently (Yawn) Perhaps his missus suggested using it.
He can go as well, another parasitic parasite that he is…
I have heard that even some close to Gove (there can’t be many) refer to him as a “poisonous dwarf”.
They are desperate in view of the local elections possibly going to trounce them. Are you aware that there are more Windrush Yarls Wood deportations taking place this week. They have not learned anything about humanity it seems. As Gormless Gove he’s a lost cause
Yes, I’ve mentioned the upcoming deportations in an article about Amber Rudd.
Gove: background affiliations:
The Atlantic Bridge Research and Education Scheme was an educational charity founded in 1997 with Margaret Thatcher as its president to promote Atlanticism, an ideology of cooperation between the United Kingdom and the United States regarding political, economic, and defence issues. It was set up by Liam Fox, former Secretary of State for Defence of the United Kingdom.[1] Cabinet ministers Michael Gove, George Osborne and William Hague,[2] and Chris Grayling have previously sat on its advisory panel, as have American senators Jon Kyl, Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman. The organisation’s principal staff included Catherine Bray (US Executive Director), Adam Werritty (UK Executive Director) and Kara Watt (Operations Director).[2]
It was dissolved in September 2011, following a critical report from the Charity Commission the previous year.[3][4]
It was dissolved because it was a political organisation posing as a charity.
These are the long term ties with powerful American interests, that are all collaborating with American corporate interests, ALEC, American Legislative and Exchange Council.
Leading the way to legislate power away from democratic control and into the hands of corporate America.
You have included the references to footnotes or citations but not the links themselves. Please provide them – otherwise there’s no evidence to support the statements here.