Mainstream media spin convinces Jews to vote for anti-Semitic party in local elections

Gloating: Theresa May is a racist and she leads a racist party, with members including anti-Semites. She is doing NOTHING to fight their influence. With mainstream media complicity, she has convinced Jewish voters to support her party and its anti-Semites.

Why are so many media commentators crowing about the massive swing to the Conservative Party in Barnet, believed to be due to Jewish voters abandoning Labour over allegations of anti-Semitism? Are the mainstream press pleased to have encouraged Jews to support the Party of Anti-Semitism?

Yes, that’s right – the Conservative Party is the home of anti-Semitism in the UK now.

We already knew that the level of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is the same as the national average – and has fallen since Jeremy Corbyn became leader, contrary to the bilge you’ve been reading or watching, courtesy of right-wing organs like the BBC or the Murdoch rags.

It is on the right of the political spectrum that anti-Semitism is visibly stronger. Usually that would mean the far-right; organisations like the BNP, EDL and so on.

But reports on the more reliable social media have shown an alarming amount of anti-Semitism in the Conservative Party.

Consider the following councillors and candidates who were alleged to have anti-Semitic leanings in the run-up to last Thursday’s local elections (information from Evolve Politics):

Tory Council Candidate Geroge Stoakley – Cambridgeshire – Suspended for allegedly anti-Semitic, sexist and abusive tweets

Tory Council Candidate Matthew Clarke – Stevenage – Suspended for allegedly numerous anti-Semitic, homophobic and misogynistic comments

Tory Council Candidate Darren Harrison – Watford – Suspended for allegedly having links to Neo-Nazis and the EDL

Tory Candidate Alexander van Terheyden – Hackney – Suspended for allegedly supporting an Anti-Muslim Hate Group and attending a rally with the neo-Nazi former EDL leader

And Evolve Politics has since added Hertfordshire councillor Michael Hearn, who allegedly “lists Nazi lawyer and holocaust denier Hajo Herrman as his inspiration on Facebook, and has also shared articles from the neo-Nazi organisation Generation identity and labelled UK immigrants as the ‘dregs of every nation’.”

The shame of more broad-based racism runs right to the top of the Conservative Party: its prime minister, Theresa May, devised the racist “hostile environment” policy under which the Tory government victimised and deported thousands of innocent UK citizens who had every right to stay in the country.

Yet after Barnet Council turned blue, apparently due to Jewish voters turning away from Labour after seeing stories about anti-Semitism in that party, put forward by biased media sources, this two-faced opportunist leapt up to lie about the event:

“Vile anti-Semitism that has gone unchallenged in the Labour Party”? Who’s she trying to kid?

Right-wing opportunists have been flagging up every slightest hint of anti-Semitism they can find – to ludicrous levels – in the hope of misdirecting Jewish people into taking their support away from Labour.

Those are the people who have been celebrating the election result in Barnet – and other council areas where the Jewish vote has migrated to the Conservative Party.

They are people like John Mann, who tweeted that the anti-Semitism row that he helped stir up and has been stoking every chance he could get had “cost Labour badly”.

Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has said the party will review its performance in the elections. When it does, Labour should consider very seriously the behaviour of party members – particularly MPs like Mr Mann – who have created fears that the party harbours anti-Semites, when in fact it does not.

And then, This Writer strongly recommends that they should all be expelled.

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  1. Simon Cohen May 5, 2018 at 2:41 pm - Reply

    As a Jewish person I deeply resent the way Jon Mann has become a sort of official arbiter of what is or isn’t anti-semitism. The media are ignoring the racism and anti-semitism in the Tory Party. We know full well that if the incidents you cite above were from Labour members or councillors the media would have been ablaze with reports.

    As a Jewish person, I find it desperately sad, that the Jewish community which was once a bastion of social justice and socialism has been taken in by the mendacious distortions that are behind the whole anti-semitism issue.

    Thanks for you work, again, in exposing this deception, Mike. There are many Jewish people like me that appreciate this.

    • spirit May 6, 2018 at 1:14 am - Reply

      I can only imagine what went on in Barnet but I am extremely doubtful that a positive message was being put across on the doorsteps. Certain factions, the usual suspects if you will, are making the most of the loss and are rather predictable in their apportioning of blame. The putative Labour leader on Barnet council, Barry Rawlings has been all over the media the past couple of days pushing the narrative as has losing candidate (and JLM National Executive member) Adam Langlaben, also predictably demanding the expulsion of Ken Livingstone. This is not just hindsight though; the attitude was already entrenched, the die cast. This for example is from the week before the elections:

      “Barnet Labour group, led by Barry Rawlings, is going along with the attacks on the Labour Party, which often conflate criticism of Israel with antisemitism. The Labour group has adopted the definition and the examples of antisemitism by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). It has called for the expulsion of Ken Livingstone, without even mentioning the need for an investigation and a hearing. It is also supporting the Jewish Manifesto for Local Government produced by the Board of Deputies. This does call for opposition to antisemitism, anti-Muslim hatred and all forms of racism. But it also calls for opposition to boycotts, for the adoption of the IHRA definition and examples of antisemitism, and to “promote rigorous religious education about Judaism and other faiths”. ”

      I digress slightly, but the point is that none of these people take any responsibility for their own campaigning – it’s always about Corbyn never anything to do with them. It’s not just them though and I warn you, if you aren’t already aware you might spit your tea, who else was out canvassing in Barnet on election day? That’s right, none other than Bassetlaw MP John Mann.

      So how did these doorstep conversations go? How did these people respond if potential voters mentioned Labour and antisemitism? I very much doubt they provided any defence or reassurance.

  2. rollo57 May 5, 2018 at 2:45 pm - Reply

    “And then, This Writer strongly recommends that they should all be expelled.”

    Totally agree, but he has a lot to get rid of! – All neo-cons and Zionists!

  3. trev May 5, 2018 at 3:07 pm - Reply

    Tories are racist, but racism apart I can’t understand why anyone would vote Tory after what they’vedone to this country with Austerity & Welfare Reforms, Benefit cuts, Sanctions, bedroom tax, Universal Credit, foodbanks, homelessness etc. all the deaths they’ve caused. putting up State Pension age. Closing Libraries. the list goes on & on.

  4. Growing Flame May 5, 2018 at 4:50 pm - Reply

    Did the Tories really do that well in Barnet? I have seen analyses that indicate no swing to the Tories there at all, and , in fact, that Barnet has nearly always been a Tory area anyway so how could anybody’s specific community vote have denied Labour something we never had.

    There is a lot of loose language being used. Labour is not an anti-semitic Party because there is not a single Party policy which discriminates against Jewish people, nor is there any level of official rhetoric suggesting that any hostility should be directed at Jews. Far from it, Labour is the Party of racial and cultural inclusiveness. But, like in all parts of Britain, there ARE individual members with , sometimes unconscious , anti-semitic tendencies. This does not make the whole Labour Party anti-semitic, especially as the vast majority of the Party would want this ideology removed from the organisation.

    Labour is just more honest than other Parties in acknowledging this problem and working to overcome it.

    Not being an expert on this, but I would have thought that a lot of Jewish people would go off the Labour Party anyway because Jeremy Corbyn has made clear his concern about the plight of the Palestinians and this would cause a crisis of conscience for those Jews who would want to support Israeli policies. Nothing to do with anti-semitism. Just a disagreement over foreign policy re Israel.

  5. rotzeichen May 5, 2018 at 8:23 pm - Reply

    We need to expel those right wing MPs that will not stop and even if we get a Labour government they will continue to undermine it, we desperately need to get rid of them and now.

  6. E May 6, 2018 at 12:06 am - Reply

    Just wait and see what sort of ridiculous things will happen after march 2019 .

  7. MadManagement May 6, 2018 at 5:53 am - Reply

    Barnet is a symptom of the total failure by Labour strategists of seeing the open goal of Tory maladministration across the country, esp. in Barnet. The Unison report makes it clear that Barnet has thrown away ratepayers’ money on outsourcing et al in the tens of millions and services have suffered.
    Forget the antisemitism. That is a weak excuse. Labour ran an awful pointless campaign and can only blame their local leaders. Pathetic that such an open goal was missed.

    • Mike Sivier May 10, 2018 at 1:56 am - Reply

      Please tell me you are joking. Labour won a massive victory, gaining more than half of all available seats.

    • Colin Clarke May 11, 2018 at 11:41 pm - Reply

      Not the main reason though. The main reason is that the vast majority of the press are defended absolutely by the right wing Tory party who enshrine the lies and false reporting as the sacred “FREEDOM OF THE PRESS!” Find a way to ensure the press can only report the truth and impose heavy penalties inside of our justice system if it can be proved that those lies caused unjust responses against an innocent political party. These lying, cheating, abusers of British citizens have lied and cheated via the press for faf too long. Time for corruption to be removed from our system for once and for eternity!

  8. NMac May 6, 2018 at 12:31 pm - Reply

    The Tory Party is absolutely loaded with nasty racists – its as simple as that.

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