Hopelessly out-of-touch: Michael Gove claims poor people eat junk food to find “solace” in their “difficult lives”

Last Updated: June 7, 2018By

Grinning idiot: Michael Gove doesn’t have a clue.

This is what some Tories think could succeed Tweezer May after she is pried out of 10 Downing Street?

Michael Gove’s comments are typical of the privileged, entitled, out-of-touch toffs who currently hold the UK in a vicelike death-grip.

His words deny a simple fact of life for poorer people – that healthier food is more expensive and they simply cannot afford it, because Tory ‘reforms’ of benefits and wages have put it out of their price range.

If he truly believes it, what a sad, squalid, blinkered little creep he must be.

This is certainly not the kind of man who could be hailed as a future leader of this – or any – country.

Michael Gove has been slammed for claiming poor people eat junk food to find “solace” in their “difficult lives”.

Critics have lined up to explain to the environment secretary the difficulty of paying for healthy food for people on low incomes.

Mr Gove, who heads the government department in charge of food, said people with less money can find comfort in unhealthy foods.

He said: “If you have got a difficult life and you have less money, then one of the things that can be a source of comfort, solace and pleasure will be buying and eating and consuming food that is not always going to be best for you in the long term.”

Source: Michael Gove slammed for claiming poor people eat junk food to find “solace” in their “difficult lives” – Mirror Online

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  1. Terminator June 7, 2018 at 5:04 am - Reply

    If the poor eat junk food then it’s because it’s all they can afford. Chicken breast at the butchers is sold by weight and can cost £3 plus whereas if you live near certain factory shops, as they are known as, you can get 5Kg for £20 or 10Kg for £35. These are prices that even ALDI cannot compete with. The only drawback is you must have a freezer to store the stuff, plus the money to be able to buy the stuff. £73.10 a week just isn’t going to go faar if you go in a place like that, you could easily spend a fortnights money in a place like that on fresh meat but the poor live from day to day rather than buy in bulk.
    That’s why they buy junk food and heavily processed food, it’s mass produced and you don’t know exactly what goes into it and a lot of it is E numbers and other additives. This also includes lots of salt and sugar to add flavour.

  2. Justin June 7, 2018 at 7:21 am - Reply

    Come on Micheal, come to Belfast Friday and saturday evening a space helping out at a food shelter awaits you, to see the junk food we offer and to watch you help peel spuds, that is the problem with people like him absolutely clueless, they don’t eat junk food by choice they eat junk food because of tory policy that has left them no choice, the whole fo his cabinet during summer recess need to get there suits of and come out and do some real work, that includes mcvey, smith, crabb and you can bring freud out of retirement to eat the effects of his policies as well, are the tory man enough, you can also send the decision makers out on that work, I am sure they like to have a taste of the mess they create along with some capita and atos hcp, better than training to see them doing some real life stuff, they may even learn what real medical skills are rather than there tick box world, are the tory man enough to rise to the challenge

  3. dsbacon2017 June 7, 2018 at 7:38 am - Reply

    Michael Gove rive and unprincipled friends find solace from stealing from the poor. then insulting them.

  4. wildswimmerpete June 7, 2018 at 8:46 am - Reply

    Of course you can buy healthy food fairly cheaply but not everyone loves a diet of mostly raw vegetables or fruit – I don’t. Again, cheap cuts of meat are available but what about the cost of gas or electricity needed to cook them? At the moment I don’t use the heating so my daily gas and electricity costs me around £1.40 which includes the standing charges and mostly the electricity I use to cook. I’m on a quarterly tariff (I’ve got an energy monitor) but those on prepaid tariffs pay well over £2 for the same amount of energy. Then you have to factor in all that traipsing through all those shops to buy all those cheap “must sell today” offers which are mostly perishables. To many a trip to McDonalds is cheaper in travel and effort with compared with the cost of cooking “healthy” options. Wasn’t it a leading Tory woman who said that porridge oats were cheap? So we are really back to Oliver – bread and gruel?

  5. Florence June 7, 2018 at 10:30 am - Reply

    Typical comment of someone who has never experienced long term malnutrition and food poverty, where a full stomach is “solace” rarely experienced, whatever to food is.

  6. trev June 7, 2018 at 12:29 pm - Reply

    I have eaten food out of bins because JSA is not enough to live on, NOT to seek solace!

  7. David Young June 7, 2018 at 12:54 pm - Reply

    What a pillock.

  8. bootbard June 7, 2018 at 4:52 pm - Reply

    As Major followed Thatcher the Tories are once again about to choose someone the electorate might consider relatively harmless to succeed the ogress. Anything to cling on to power.

  9. Nick June 7, 2018 at 6:18 pm - Reply

    A dreadful analogy if ever there was one

  10. JohnDee June 8, 2018 at 3:58 am - Reply

    ” … claims poor people eat junk food to find “solace” in their “difficult lives” …
    … as if they have a choice, you horrible little toad, gove.

  11. Del Smith June 8, 2018 at 11:04 am - Reply

    I detest everything Gove stands for. But it simply is not true that junk food is cheaper than healthy food. More convenient maybe. The reasons people eat junk food are far more complex than poverty.

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