Media bias, fake news – and why you should support our campaign against false anti-Semitism claims

Distraction techniques: The Tory media don’t want you thinking about Islamophobia in the Conservative Party so they have been making up false stories about anti-Semitism by Labour members.
The Mainly Macro blog by Oxford professor Simon Wren-Lewis, in its latest article, discusses the shocking and shameful bias of the national press in reporting anti-Semitism and Islamophobia – and comes to some forthright conclusions about the irresponsibility of the right-wing press.
This Site would support those conclusions, as This Writer has been a victim of right-wing press irresponsibility on this matter.
I am waiting for the green light to make a major announcement about my own case, but in the meantime, consider this:
“The antisemitism story was notable for two important reasons. First religious organisations had publicly complained. Second these complaints had been supported by prominent Labour figures. However exactly the same applies to Islamophobia,” the Mainly Macro article states. “But to suggest equivalence between the two stories is misleading. The Conservatives’ Islamophobia problem is a much bigger issue for two reasons.”
The first is that Conservatives including Home Secretary Sajid Javid (who comes from a Muslim background but does not practise the religion) have attacked the Muslim Council of Britain – attacked it, claiming it harbours members with unacceptable views on extremism and is not representative of British Muslims. Labour has not attacked any Jewish organisations but has engaged in discussions with them.
Secondly, the Conservatives ran an anti-Muslim campaign in their attempt to win the most recent London Mayoral election, which was won by Sadiq Khan, a Muslim. As Professor Wren-Lewis notes: “David Cameron even libeled an ex-Imam in his attempts to link Khan to Muslim terrorism.”
So the news story about the Conservative Party and Islamophobia is more serious than that of Labour anti-Semitism because the attitude of the Tory leadership has been demonstrably anti-Muslim. But, as Mainly Macro has it, “the balance on the BBC has been the other way around, with far more coverage of the latter than the former.”
The reason appears to be that “BBC News tends to ‘follow the story’” – meaning it follows up articles in the pro-Conservative national newspapers. They have suppressed the Tory Islamophobia story and – as readers of This Site know – fabricated lies to boost their claims of Labour anti-Semitism.
We are left with an obvious conclusion:
The right-wing press is supporting Tory religious bigotry and racism – and will continue to do so unless you help put a stop to it.
One way of achieving this is to support my campaign to clear my own name of the libellous accusations of anti-Semitism that have been falsely made by the right-wing press.
If we can undermine their claims about anti-Semitism, we will strengthen questions about their silence on Islamophobia.
It seems to be a ‘dead cat’ strategy. When concerns about Tory Islamophobia come up, the Tory press starts agitating about anti-Semitism – metaphorically throwing a dead cat on the table and saying, “Never mind that – look at this!”
It’s not an argument – especially when the ‘dead cat’ on the table isn’t real, such as the false claim of anti-Semitism against me.
So please visit my crowdfunding page and pledge as much as you can spare.
You will be supporting justice, fighting Tory lies and helping to promote honesty in our hate-filled right-wing media.
Visit our JustGiving page to help Vox Political’s Mike Sivier fight anti-Semitism libels in court
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I have to smile every time I see banning islamaphobia, a phobia is an irrational fear of, just how do you ban an irrational fear, besides given some of the outrages perpetuated in the name of Islam, is it actually that irrational.?