Second reshuffle in a day for May as she makes Hunt the Unhealthy her new foreign secretary

“Now, see here, Jeremy – you’re the new Foreign Secretary and you’d better get used to it!””Yes ma’am! I live to serve, ma’am!”
If this motley crew is the best Theresa May can dredge up to form the latest version of her government, she should throw in the towel now.
Jeremy Hunt – a pathetic, chinless yes-man who, through a mixture of malice and incompetence, has managed to ruin the National Health Service – becomes Foreign Secretary. It is a gift that has been tarnished by the fact that Theresa May reportedly offered it to David Davis in a vain attempt to persuade him not to resign from her government last night – and then tried to lie about it, saying she offered him Andrea Leadsom’s job as Leader of the House of Commons instead.
Matt Hancock – another toadie whose most recent scandal involved the launch of an app in his name which collected contact details, photos and videos, check-ins, and other digital content, even when users had denied permission for it to do so – is the new Health Secretary. How many scandals have there been about Tory health secretaries trying to collect and sell off patients’ information to private companies for unknown purposes?
Jeremy Wright becomes Culture Secretary after making such a huge impression as Attorney General that people think the role is still held by Dominic Grieve.
I had to look up Geoffrey Cox, the new Attorney General, on Wikipedia. It seems he is a barrister, so that’s something. Beyond that, he is notable only for having been involved in an alleged tax avoidance scheme. And now he’s our top lawyer? Hmm!
What a shambles. In fact, that’s what the new government should be dubbed: “Theresa May’s Brexit Shambles.”
Jeremy Hunt was named as foreign secretary to replace Boris Johnson on Monday night, one of three men who supported remain during the referendum campaign who were promoted in an evening reshuffle.
The health secretary was called to Downing Street to be offered the job by Theresa May after a tumultuous day of resignations in response to her soft Brexit plans.
Matt Hancock, the culture secretary, was appointed as Hunt’s successor at health, while Jeremy Wright, the attorney general, is to become culture secretary.
The Tory MP Geoffrey Cox was later named as the new attorney general.
Source: Jeremy Hunt appointed to replace Boris Johnson as foreign secretary | Politics | The Guardian
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This is getting ridiculous. You wouldn’t manage a company like this, let alone a government. No wonder none of them realise they’re actually rubbish at their job – they’re all constantly reshuffled before anything they’ve started gets finished so they never have to take responsibility for their ineptitude. Meanwhile months, years go by and the country’s going down the pan.
They are certainly living up to the description of a “shambolic minority government propped up by terrorist sympathisers.
When you get to the bottom of the barrel there is never much left!
I never thought that I’d be grateful to Boris Johnson but he seems to have achieved the impossible and gotten rid of that Health Secretary Hunt!