The – GENUINE – anti-Semitism of Sajid Javid

Embarrassment: Sajid Javid made a fool of himself by standing in that now-stereotypically stupid wide-legged pose (lampooned above). Now he has embarrassed himself and his party by insulting British Jews.
It seems Home Secretary Sajid Javid thought he’d get some milage out of the Labour anti-Semitism row – proving either he didn’t know his language was anti-Semitic itself, or that he is really an anti-Semite.
Wishing all Jews in UK & abroad a very happy #RoshHashanah. At a time when British Jews understandably (and sadly) feeling under threat from @jeremycorbyn, more important than ever for all decent people to stand together and celebrate our Jewish community. #ShanahTova
— Sajid Javid (@sajidjavid) September 7, 2018
If it needs explaining, here’s Michael Rosen (who is himself Jewish):
In Vichy France, the Vichy 'government' separated Jews into French Jews and foreign-born Jews. This is what racist governments do. This is what @sajidjavid has just done with his Happy New Year greetings. 'Decent' Jews versus Corbyn-supporting Jews. It is a scandal.
— Michael Rosen 💙💙🎓🎓 (@MichaelRosenYes) September 7, 2018
And Jews Sans Frontieres makes a great point –
Look at the responses to the most cynical and racist tweet from a Home Minister. He's trying to make a "hostile environment" for the wrong kind of Jews
— Jews Sans Frontieres (@jewssf) September 7, 2018
– Sajid Javid came into the Home Office with a promise to end the conditions that led to the Windrush scandal, and instead he is making them worse.
But let’s do what we’re told; let’s look at the responses:
Couldn't you just pass on the good wishes instead of being politicial?
When I'm celebrating Eid I don't add in that the Tories think Islamophobia is acceptable.
Absolutely disgusting tweet from a supposed Rt Hon MP.
— Alex Tiffin (@RespectIsVital) September 7, 2018
The Home Secretary’s Tweet for Jewish New Year – Suggesting that those who support Corbyn are not 'decent'. He's used a Jewish festival in order to make a political point, which includes saying that Jews who support Corbyn are bad Jews
— Jewish Socialist (@JewishSocialist) September 7, 2018
Extraordinary tweet from @sajidjavid in which he manages to wish only those Jews he agrees with a very happy RoshHashana. So, hard luck, Jews who support Corbyn, (bad Jews) the Home Secretary doesn't wish you a happy new year.
— Michael Rosen 💙💙🎓🎓 (@MichaelRosenYes) September 7, 2018
The “wrong kind of Jews”? That is an anti-Semitic stereotype. There is no way of painting it any differently. The Home Secretary committed an act of anti-Semitism, publicly, on Twitter.
The "bad Jews" trope is one of the most brazen anti-Semetic tropes of all. Sajid Javid uses it over and again with impunity.
Anyone who honestly cares about anti-Semitism would be demanding his resignation over it, but the mainstream media are silent.
— Another Angry Voice (@Angry_Voice) September 8, 2018
This disgraceful comment aims to drive a further wedge between Conservative Jewish communities and left leaning Jewish communities, who have already been marginalised by the same communities and some deplorable MPs. #GoodJewBadJewTactic
— Revolution Breeze (@SueJonesSays) September 7, 2018
Many responses focused on Mr Javid’s cynical use of British Jews for political purposes:
Hey Sajid. Just to let you know that it’s not a traditional Rosh Hashanah gift to be used as a political football and by the way how you getting on with the Islamophobia and racism in your own party?
— David Schneider (@davidschneider) September 7, 2018
How dare you. We aren’t a political football for the Tory party to take kicks at. You disgust me @sajidjavid
— Rhea Wolfson (@rheawolfson) September 7, 2018
What a vile tweet. Stop politicising religious events. Never once has a Labour politician mentioned Tory islamophobia on an Islamic celebration; it’s disrespectful and shows that you only care about political gain. Disgusting.
— Aleesha 🇵🇸 (@a_leesha1) September 7, 2018
And of course, as a Conservative government minister, Mr Javid is the last person in the country who should be accusing others of failing to reach a standard of acceptability:
I don't feel under threat from @jeremycorbyn but after seeing your indecent behaviour; the horrific way you're treating immigrants, refugees, blocking a 6-year-old UK boy from flying home, I fear for the safety of all migrants in the UK under a Tory government. Shame on you.
— Jane Samuels (@Jane_Samuels) September 7, 2018
Rosh Hashana is a time of reflection & repentance. Perhaps you should reflect on @BorisJohnson, your government’s treatment of the Windrush generation, & hostile environments. Let the party without sin cast the first stone @theresa_may
— Jon Lansman 🟣 (@jonlansman) September 7, 2018
if uncle Tom @sajidjavid wishes to do something about racism he might stop the real victims of Home Office racism and stop hounding Black Victims of the Windrush scandal, compensate them and call of the immigration police or is racism not what this scumbag is about
— Tony Greenstein (@TonyGreenstein) September 7, 2018
Mr Javid @sajidjavid
This is a startlingly crass tweet.
I am a Jew and – like many others – I not only do not think @jeremycorbyn poses a threat, I support him.BTW why don’t you care about antisemitism, Islamophobia and racism – like Windrush and much more – in the Tory party?
— Tom London (@TomLondon6) September 7, 2018
After the various treacheries by Labour MPs against their leader over anti-Semitism, we all know (or should) where to send complaints to that party.
According to the Conservative Party code of conduct, “if any individuals wish to make a formal complaint against elected representatives or officers of the party, they should email [email protected]”.
So now you know. Get your complaint in now.
Visit our JustGiving page to help Vox Political’s Mike Sivier fight anti-Semitism libels in court
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The biblical name for this holiday is Yom Teruah, literally “day [of] shouting or blasting”.
Get your complaint in, now? I hope that the Conservative complaints people are more expedient that £abour’s. I’m still waiting for a response. Shameful.
With the right wing press joining the money grubbers of the right in wholeheartedly working to assassinate anyone who’s political leanings are different from there own, at a time when the prime person in the USA is ranting about Mexicans crossing the border whilst conveniently forgetting the way they crossed the American Indians borders and slaughtered those folk as they stole their lands, perhaps the time is approaching when true justice will begin to assert itself! The right wing will soon destroy all that is good in our world, and then, perhaps, the goodness of the universe will strike them fully and finally!
Before you were talking about anti-semitism, I never knew there was any wrong or right Jews I think we should live our own faiths and beliefs, I don’t have any faith or beliefs, I used to a bit but that was soon battered out of me physically , emotionally and mentally. Saying that I will always try to respect other people for who they are and to some extent what they believe, if it ever comes up in converation.
All Tories know is Confrontation and Division. Despicable people.