Javid admits illegal DNA tests on immigrants – what’s that about him not being racist, again?

Matt Turner, on Twitter, corrected the BBC’s news story about the DNA tests to make it more accurately reflect the facts.
The evidence is mounting up against racist Sajid Javid and his racist government.
The latest is from an internal Home Office review into the mandatory provision of DNA evidence to support immigration claims – a practice that is banned by law in the UK.
But the Home Office has demanded these DNA tests at least 449 times, under its ‘hostile environment’ policy – possibly many more times, as 1,150 Afghan nationals, including 700 family members and parents of those employed by UK government, have been relocated to the UK under a scheme targeted with mandatory DNA testing.
Mr Javid said he had set up a taskforce to deal with anybody who felt they had been unfairly treated by being subjected to this process. What will this group do – pay them fast-track compensation if they sign non-disclosure agreements, as with the Windrush generation?
He said he had already issued instructions that officials should not demand DNA evidence. Did he not do this in June, when the Labour Party revealed the problem? If not, why not?
We all know Mr Javid has racism issues. It isn’t that long since he lined up everybody in this country of Pakistani Asian descent to be targeted as potential paedophiles, due to an ill-advised tweet.
In another tweet he showed anti-Semitism, separating “decent” Jews from those who support Jeremy Corbyn.
And his denial of Islamophobia in the Conservative Party prompted a bitter row with Muslims across the UK.
This is a man with no conscience and, apparently, no understanding of the racist nature of the policies he has been allowing as Home Secretary.
He promised to end the harm done to the Windrush generation, for example – but refused to end the ‘hostile environment’ policy that caused it. And now we see it causing further harm.
The Labour Party has taken him to task, with Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott saying: “This issue was first raised by Labour in June and the Government has known for months that some immigration applicants were being compelled to provide DNA evidence to support their claims, even though that is illegal. When presented with clear cases of the Home office requiring DNA evidence, the Minister denied it happened.
“Abuses like this don’t fall from the sky. Officials at the Home Office have been carrying out the Government’s hostile environment policy, which is also what led to the Windrush scandal. People are being treated as guilty or illegal unless they can prove their innocence.
“We need a fair and robust immigration system, but the hostile environment isn’t it and the Government should end it.”
The bad news is that Sajid Javid won’t end it – because he doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with it.
Source: The Government has known for months that some immigration applicants were being compelled to provide DNA evidence, even though that is illegal – Abbott – The Labour Party
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