Two-faced Tory thinks a bag of sugar is enough to earn forgiveness for sending millions into poverty

Outrageous: Iain Duncan Smith – the man considered more responsible for sending people to food banks than any other – contributes a small bag of sugar, the cost of which he’ll probably claim back on expenses, to his local foodbank in a photo opportunity intended to pretend that he cares about the poor people he sent there.
See the image above these words? You’re going to see it a few times in this article because it has absolutely infuriated members of the public.
It shows Iain Duncan Smith – who, as Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, enacted Conservative government policies that sent millions of people to food banks – handing over a small bag of sugar at his local food bank.
This is a man who thought £39 was a reasonable price for breakfast (as long as the public was paying for it via his expenses bill) – but said he could live on £53 a week in benefits.
The stunt has earned him nothing but vilification:
This photo makes me physically sick.
This very man is the architect of #UniversalCredit which is hammering the poor & vulnerable in society!
The sheer audacity – the flaming nerve! 😱#ToriesSmilingAtFoodbanks
— Ian Lavery MP (@IanLaveryMP) December 6, 2018
It was part of a series of photo opportunities arranged for Conservative MPs across the UK. Smart commentators think they were arranged to win public approval in advance of a possible snap general election campaign in the near future.
… Smarter commentators fabricated their own images to counter the public relations blitz, under the tagline “Tory trophy hunters”.
So here’s Claire Perry, who allegedly bullies people in Westminster and definitely accuses men of misogyny to win arguments:
Here’s their version of the PR photo featuring Dominic Raab, who couldn’t find Dover, let alone the business end of a rifle:
And here’s Ms Perry again, alongside Esther McVey:
— EL4C (@EL4JC) December 2, 2018
If you’re wondering why it’s such a big deal that Conservative MPs have been posing in food banks to boost their image, here’s Jeremy Corbyn:
The use of food banks in publicity stunts by Tory MPs is not acceptable on any level. By Iain Duncan Smith, it descends to obscenity.
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RTU IDs oh whot a Christian oh whot a human being a man no a imp yes just another greedie disciple of devil yet his policy is culling the stock through benefits denial has he intended
Duncan-Smith is the original Nazi Tory.
I have Iain Duncan Smith’s home address, (his own fault for living in a listed building,)
I may write him a letter.
Publish, and be damned! 😜
Yeah make sure it’s a very special letter. . .
I’m surprised it wasn’t a bag of rice. That’s what most of the third world live on. That’s what he wants for us.
….”You claim £39 for breakfast – like you can’t afford your own breakfast when you live on your wife’s estate and have taken £1.5 million of tax payers money – That’s what I call scrounging..”
Salma Yaqoob to IDS on Question Time – 12 Jun 2014
(This is on youtube). Absolute classic!
IDS should have donated a bag of salt not sugar. After all he is rubbing salt into the wounds of the poor by this hypocritical publicity stunt.
they should tie him to the trolley and spoon feed him the whole bag with no water, then might get the feeling about how people feel about him, one horrible person and he needs to be in jail where he firmly belongs
It is an excellent image! It tells us all we need to know about the type of individual that some citizens of the UK are prepared to promote to the highest levels of service in UK public office and all we need to know about the type of persons who feel they need to employ this sort of shameless ‘public servant’ at any level! All that in one image: classic!
That packet of suger cost about 50p.