Mystery of the teleporting child OR interview footage ‘doctored’ by BBC to support Theresa May

Here he comes…. walking down the street: The amazing Teleport Boy. The “amazing” part of it is that the BBC reporter didn’t immediately rush across and ask how he appeared so miraculously out of thin air.Alternatively, we may conclude that BBC TV interviewers are doctoring their footage to make it seem Theresa May has more support than in reality. Which seems more likely to you?
Here’s a curiosity picked up by Another Angry Voice – it’s an interview with a member of the public who apparently supports Theresa May, in which a child suddenly appears out of nowhere in the background.
Check it out for yourself:
Truly amazing bit of editing from the BBC to make it look like a member of the public is happy with Theresa May.
(note the instantly materialising child)
— Another Angry Voice (@Angry_Voice) December 13, 2018
And here’s the magic child in super slow-motion:
It seems the BBC wasn’t happy with its own support of Theresa May in her time of need – the Corporation had to manufacture some by doctoring interview footage.
I should point out that doctoring interview quotes – altering them to make it seem as though the person is saying something they did not – is forbidden among reputable journalistic organisations.
To see the BBC faking support for the prime minister in this fashion is a betrayal of everyone who pays the licence fee. We want to fund genuine news – not propaganda.
At a time when other media sources are being accused – often falsely – of peddling so-called “fake news”, it is shocking to see the nation’s publicly-funded broadcaster misbehaving in such a manner.
Personally, I’d like to see it give rise to a new line of criticism against the puniest PM we’ve ever had, as in: “Do I support Mrs May? Sure – and a toddler might teleport into this street!”
Of course, it is (remotely) possible that a child – and parent – did teleport into the background of a BBC interview. But in such an event, any reporter worth their salt would be pushing that as the story rather than some old tripe about Theresa May.
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I think it was just excellent bad editing, they probably got more footage of woman and cut it down to what they wanted. This is normal can be misleading to give a message. or it is just cut down editing.
Probably does not hack it. The BBC are editing statements that are vital at this moment. Look how the right wing press have composed stories to suit their case for years, especially that Toe rag of a newspaper, The Sun. But, the BBC is a publicly owned news media, and should not be subject to Political control. That makes liars and cheats of the right wing Political party. They should be disqualified from their office NOW!
Pulling out the middle of a sentence to just leave the last word is worse than just “bad editing”.
The BBC is an Establishment mouthpiece, often used as a propaganda tool to dupe the masses.
I used to edit documentaries – that’s a quick mix to smooth out a jump cut. Was it the words ‘not really’ cut between ‘and how she’s’ and ‘for us’? A
Hey-hey-hey now! The crew of the Liberator are as entitled to a view on Brexit as anyone else!!!
It’s pretty obvious that the establishment’s BBC ‘news’ is VERY SELECTIVE about who they ‘bump into’ for an interview. In most High Streets there would be a cross section of views, I know from experience of canvassing on many different High Streets. Yet somehow BBC interviewers Always ‘find’ What They Seek Out, rarely ‘bumping’ into anyone who doesn’t fit the Agenda.