Would YOU accept a £50 note with Margaret Thatcher’s face on it? [POLL]
It seems the competition to be the face on the back of the new £50 note has come down to contenders including Stephen Hawking and Margaret Thatcher.
According to the Bank of England, the intention is for the space to be occupied by a scientist.
The late Professor Hawking certainly qualifies.
But you could be forgiven for wondering what Mrs Thatcher’s contribution may have been.

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I’ll tell you: She was part of a team who devised a way of injecting air into ice cream to make it look like there is more of it than there actually is – she used science to create a commercial cheat that would induce people to pay more for less.
I recall Alan Turing was in the running for this honour at one point. Why has a cheat like Mrs Thatcher been shortlisted, while a man who (arguably) shortened World War II by several years has not?
It seems strange reasoning by the Bank of England.
And I wonder how many people would want to use a banknote with the former – and much-hated – Conservative prime minister on it? Some might consider her image to be defacing the currency.
What do you think?
[polldaddy poll=10200019]Personally, I wouldn’t have such an item in my house.
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£50 note? In austerity Britain how much of the population would actually see one? I’ve certainly not seen one in 20 years.
That’s not the question. It’s about whether you think Margaret Thatcher deserves to be commemorated on our currency – whether people should be forced to have something that celebrates this woman as part of our national identity.
Not while my arse points South
I have a framed version of this type of £50 note given me as a christmas present. I would absolutely not accept such a note as genuine!
Wouldn’t Mrs. T. on the £50 mean the Bullingdon Club would no longer be able to use them to light their cigars? Surely this reason alone mean she gets beaten by any of the other contenders?
If our Elite Banking chums feel the madwoman should grace the note, that few of us lesser honest mortals ever get to see, maybe if the pending global devaluation of currency will be such that bundles of these notes will be gracing our bathroom walls so they can serve some useful purpose. So the thought of using her mugshot to serve a useful service will be a real delight after her devastating reign.
IL have two twenty’s and a tenner please
Because of Churchill’s history of starving nations to death and racism, I refuse to have a £5 note in my change so Thatcher will definitely neither darken my doorstep nor my wallet.
It’s a very poorly worded question. Are you being offered a free £50 note? Is the alternative 2 20’s and a 10 or is it the £50 or nothing?
You could always ask for it in different notes. Why not?
After Thatcher’s treatment of the miners, to starve them into submission and then, when they were defeated and had to return to work with their tails between their legs, to close the mines and sack the lot of them, leaving at least 300 years of coal underground to become waterlogged and useless, and now to look after the rich, we are resorting to destructive fracking.
Then add her sinking of the Argentine vessel that was sailing away from the Falkland isles when she gave the “Kill” order to the submarine which led to the maximum loss of life on that vessel as sailed away from the Falkland islands, was nothing short of wanton murder!
She was never a hero of normal, hard working people. Only another preserver of an outdated way of life built on greed!
Would I accept a £50 pound note most certainly I don’t give a toss who is on it.
Brings a whole new meaning to dirty money!
Some of us wouldn’t have a choice. It would be slightly more accessible than May or Cameron but not much. Trouble is, the shower of arrogant lowlife in government take, little notice of us “plebs”.
Yes you would have a choice – you could take the money in other notes.
I wouldn’t want to see Thatcher’s face on anything other than toilet paper, same goes for any Tory. Not that I’m ever likely to see or possess a £50 note, I can’t remember last time I saw one, must be several decades ago.If they want someone connected with Science the obvious choice would be Sir Francis Bacon.
I could not afford to turn down a £50 if someone gave me it. If it had the witch on it I would get my Sharpie out and deface it with a pro-socialism slogan before I spent it though.
Not that anywhere other than a bank seems to take them though.
Why not just ask for the money in different denominations – twenties and tens?
“Sorry I haven’t sufficient money in smaller denominations with me to meet your bill Mr. Sivier and I’m of to Australia in the morning…it is this fifty pound note or nothing”…..somehow I think you would take the note!
No, I’d take back the goods or services.
Not that I’ll ever have one of these notes in the near future but I’d def wipe my ass with it if she was on the note.. (if I were rich that is) so no, no no no
she was evil to the last . .
(well ain’t they all?)
I’d like to see Steve Hawking, on the note . . (he was down to Earth & he actually cared)
Rosalind Franklin who made possible Crick & Watsons discovery of D.N.A.
but who died of ovarian cancer at the age of 34 and missed out on A Nobel Prize and so much more. Should grace the obverse of the 50 pound note.
Although I have never had a £50 note, I would definitely refuse to accept one which had Thatcher’s ugly mug on it.
Yes, and buy food, etc for the foodbank, or, give it to the Bournemouth charity who have just launched a ‘Shower and Laundry’ van…. something like that…. to poke a pig, in the eye…. Yes, I would…. :) :) thanks Margaret….