Don’t believe the mass media lies – Labour support for second EU referendum has FALLEN

Vote Labour: A recent poll shows that party members and supporters want a general election – and they may be about to get it.
Here’s a project for 2019 – showing the mainstream media they can’t selectively quote opinion polls to suit their political slant and expect to get away with it.
Several papers have reported a poll saying most Labour members want Jeremy Corbyn to change his mind and support a second referendum on membership of the European Union.
Here‘s The Guardian:
“Labour members are significantly more opposed to Brexit than Jeremy Corbyn is, with 72% of them thinking their leader should fully support a second referendum, according to a study of attitudes in the party.
“The polling, part of an ongoing wider academic study into attitudes in various parties, found that only 18% opposed Labour campaigning for a second referendum, while 88% would then opt for remain if such a vote was held.
“Official Labour policy is that a second referendum could potentially be considered if there is not a general election.”
And here‘s The Mirror:
“Jeremy Corbyn faces mounting pressure to back a second Brexit referendum as a poll today reveals seven out of 10 Labour members support another vote.
“The party leader has resisted growing calls to back another EU referendum, instead calling for a general election and promising to strike his own Brexit deal with Brussels.
“But a study of Labour members found 72% want the chief to get behind a second vote, while 57% of Labour voters also want him to support another poll.”
I chose these two papers because they are the mainstream media outlets that come closest to being left-wing (although in both cases that is now debatable).
But are they accurate? No. They have quoted the poll too selectively.
"Do you support or oppose the stance taken by the Labour party on Brexit" asks today's apparently blockbuster poll on a second referendum and a #peoplesvote
A clear majority support the leadership's position.
You will not find that on a single media outlet.
Please share.
— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) January 2, 2019
Notwithstanding that a majority would like Mr Corbyn to support a second referendum, it is clear that a majority support Labour’s currrent policy, as put forward by Mr Corbyn.
It seems clear that party members and supporters would only want Mr Corbyn to support a new referendum if it was proposed by the government – not as a party policy to be pursued in isolation.
Matt Turner seems to have picked up on that. He tweeted: “Was this bit conveniently omitted from the “hurr durr Labour members want a second referendum” diatribe?”
Probably. The newspapers don’t want you to know that, as it conflicts with their anti-Corbyn stance.
And they don’t want you to know that support for a second referendum has fallen, as noted by Tory Fibs on Twitter:
The Labour Members' Brexit Poll you seen reported in the Guardian, Independent, Daily Mirror, Huffington Post, Financial Times & Times had 2 key findings none of those papers told you
• Support for a 2nd Referendum has dropped 14%
• Members back Corbyn's strategy 46% v 29%— Tory Fibs (@ToryFibs) January 2, 2019
This Writer is reminded of the Daily Mail‘s claim that voters support Theresa May’s brainless Brexit “deal”, based on an opinion poll that didn’t say that at all. I exposed that lie in November last year.
It is clear you can’t trust the mainstream media on the big issues. They lie about Mr Corbyn and they lie about Brexit.
People need to know.
Oh – and it seems a snap election is on the cards. Labour’s policy has been to support an election over a second referendum, as being the party of government would allow Mr Corbyn to solve the other problems currently facing the UK, and not just influence a Tory-run Brexit.
The poll quoted in the papers (above) shows clear support for this policy among Labour members.
According to Skwawkbox, “Returning officers have been told to start preparing for a ‘snap’ general election, as the reality of Commons arithmetic sinks into Theresa May’s thinking.
“There is no realistic prospect of May’s deal passing the Commons, but neither is there a viable majority for either a no-deal Brexit or an appetite for a new referendum with ‘remain’ as an option.
“This means that the only means of breaking the deadlock – which the so-called “people’s vote” could never provide – is a general election.”
It seems Labour members and supporters are much more canny than the newspapers want anybody to believe. It’s what Mr Corbyn wants, it’s what his party wants – and very soon, it may be what we all get.
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Pure Hypocrisy. Doing exactly the same thing as you’re accusing the other media outlets of doing. Utter disgrace.
Not at all.
I actually took part in that YouGov poll, I can assure you that generally supporting Labour’s stance on Brexit and liking the idea of a second referendum are not mutually exclusive. The poll did not give the option of a second referendum. Therefore, I think your conclusions may not be that accurate.
The article makes that very point – that you can support Labour policy and a second referendum, so I wonder why you are trying to suggest otherwise.
Your interpretation of the poll implied that by supporting the Labour position you were ruling out a second referendum. But, like I said, as that question was not part of the poll it is impossible to suggest that support for a second referendum is on the wane …. as your article suggests – I wonder why you might suggest that. ;-)
No, the poll showed that people support the Labour Party’s official position, and support the stance taken by that party’s leader, but would support a second referendum if that was offered to the people – as the Conservatives could still do.
The results of another poll, compared with this one, suggest support for a second referendum has fallen – although the questions weren’t exactly the same.
I wish Jeremy would be clear that he would permanently protect European Citizens rights to stay in England ,Wales Scotland and Northern Ireland …..Buy granting British Citizenship.
In order to sort out our trading relationship with the EU having read the sensible EU transitional proposals Jeremy will have to accepted (“The deal”) in order for Westminster and the Labour to actually get their act together, The Conservatives have wasted the last 3 years doing little or nothing. Hey Ho! and the clock is ticking……
For what it’s worth, this article seems to bear out my experience of my own Labour Party Branch in a small town in the South East. I am a keen supporter of a second Referendum and assumed that many other members, open supporters of staying in the EU, would also support a Peoples Vote. But when I obtained a few hundred leaflets supporting a PV, I found I was the only one trailing round delivering them. A number of very keen EU-supporters were just very reluctant to openly campaign for another vote. Like me , they support the current Labour position of regarding the second referendum as an option for the future, after other efforts have failed to bring about change.
My only argument is that we have to actively campaign for that possible option, well in advance, rather than wait for it to be the only option left. But, as the article establishes, it is possible to support the current Labour position without being remotely hostile to a Peoples Vote, eventually.
The mirror hmmmmm just another Tory paper now but far to many still want out and that the blairites of the party the greedie ones want Corbyn gone by hook or by crook oh dear please rid us of these self serving ones.
The operation for a second referendum is another attempt to have us tied down to EU neo-liberalism and as Dennis Skinner says will interfere with any decisions a future Labour government will make on public ownership or state interventions to prevent unemployment.
Given that there appears to have been a mass writing campaign to Jeremy Corbyn in favour of a second referendum have those opposed to it or simply in favour of sticking to Party Policy also written in to support the leaders’ position on this?