The Tory attack on the people who put them in power has never been more vicious

The Tory vulture crouches over the symbol of the NHS in a revealing scene from a demonstration against the Conservatives in 2017.
Don’t be fooled by distractions like Brexit; the Conservative government’s main project – to deprive the UK’s ordinary citizens of the services we have come to expect in a civilised country, and to drive the poorest and most vulnerable into destitution and death – is now at its deadliest.
Theresa May will deny this with lies. She is currently lying in a big way about the National Health Service, which she is starving of cash in order to make us think it is incompetent and deserves the privatisation she and her forerunner David Cameron have forced on it.
Peter Stefanovic lays this lie bare in his recent video clip, which also provides a few more uncomfortable facts about her policies.
Everything Theresa May “forgot” to mention in this week’s Conservative Party Political Broadcast
— Peter Stefanovic (@PeterStefanovi2) February 8, 2019
Let’s examine some of the policies that are hammering the people.
Universal Credit, the new (ha ha – it’s been in the works since the Conservatives slithered back into office in 2010) benefit, demands that claims are made online. This assumes that claimants are equipped to honour that demand – that they are computer literate, and that they have access to an Internet-enabled computer that they can use. This is not true for millions of claimants now – and will be untrue for millions more by 2023, when rollout is expected to be complete.
Many are resorting to the public library service for help. Libraries are traditionally considered places where information may be accessed by anyone, and the Department for Work and Pensions promotes them as ports of call for claimants.
That’s pretty rich, considering last year alone the Conservative government closed 127 public libraries, ensuring that 712 full-time employees lost their jobs (and became eligible to claim Universal Credit?). Over the last six years, the Tories have cut more than £200 million in funding. Will the service cope with the two million people expected to need help with UC this year alone? “There aren’t enough computers and there aren’t enough staff hours to help people,” according to an expert.
Read the facts here:
“We’re beyond capacity for this”: how universal credit’s online application could shut out the people who need it most | Prospect Magazine
— Samuel Miller (@Hephaestus7) February 8, 2019
This serious contradiction in the way a so-called public service is provided hasn’t stopped DWP employees from pocketing £44 million in performance-related bonuses.
“According to the figures, 240 senior DWP officials pocketed a total £760,000 in bonuses, while a further 88,300 junior staff were each handed an extra £1,750 in their pay packets,” says this report by Welfare Weekly.
Considering the serious problems with Universal Credit, one has to ask why these people have received any extra money at all? Or is it because of the serious problems with Universal Credit and the harm it has caused to people who are only trying to survive.
Stephen Smith was only trying to survive when he claimed Universal Credit, after being thrown of Employment and Support Allowance under the pretence of being fit for work. He wasn’t; he failed to meet the DWP’s requirements; he was sanctioned. If you’ve seen I, Daniel Blake you may be familiar with the pattern. Over an 18-month period he starved almost to death. When he was rescued by employment law advisor Terry Craven this 64-year-old man weighed just six stone, had pneumonia, and was close to death. I wrote about him here.
Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd, in a TV interview, was asked if she would be able to ensure that this would never happen to anybody else under the Conservative government’s system – and she refused to say that it would not. See for yourself:
Here's a longer response from Amber Rudd
— Ben Claimant 💚 Join a Union (@BenClaimant) February 8, 2019
Construction worker Marco Simoes, a Portuguese national, probably knows how Mr Smith felt. He had been receiving benefits as a joint carer for his son Tiago, who was severely disabled, until the youngster died at the age of four. He was told to switch to Universal Credit immediately – but was denied the benefit on residency grounds – despite having lived in the UK for 11 years, much of it working – and paying tax – to remove asbestos from buildings.
He, partner Sabrina McCarl and their remaining son Ruben are trying to survive on Ms McCarl’s Universal Credit payments, which amount to £20 or £30 per week once bills have been paid. He describes his experience of UC below:
Universal Credit 'nightmare' for parents grieving 4-year-old son's death
"It's been a nightmare… We’ve tried to do everything the correct way, but Universal Credit is the biggest mess ever… by the time we’ve paid bills we barely have £20-30 per week."
— Ben Claimant 💚 Join a Union (@BenClaimant) February 9, 2019
But the couple, and Mr Smith, are the lucky ones.
Twin brothers Neil and Paul Micklewright took their own lives after their benefits – the report does not mention which – were cut due to them having received an inheritance. The amount was substantial but neither had more than a few pounds in their bank accounts at the time of their deaths. They were found by a dog walker, hanging from the same tree in Greater Manchester in July last year.
There’s no comment from the DWP in the report but the department always deflects responsibility for suicides, claiming that they are complicated and should not be pinned down to just one reason. The coroner said the twins’ suicide notes – found “neatly laid out” on a table – did not explain their reasons for taking their own lives, beyond stating that they had “had enough”.
Do you think the DWP is blameless in this case?
Another man – Brian Bailey – took his own life after the DWP used its “deflection script” to force him to claim Universal Credit online. He was not able to cope with the system and committed suicide instead. The DWP denied the existence of the “deflection script” but the following Sky News report shows that it is real – and that the DWP lied about it.
This is shocking and heartbreaking. A former DWP worker has blown the lid on the Universal Credit ‘deflection script’. A Conservative Government is costing lives. #Marr
— Rachael Swindon (@Rachael_Swindon) February 8, 2019
With so many people either dead or starving to death, you might think the only people to benefit from Universal Credit were the DWP workers who have been receiving millions in bonuses for putting their claimants into such conditions – but you’d be wrong. At least one DWP worker apparently tried to divert £3,000 into his own bank account by crooked means.
Enock Kimbowa abused his position as an administration officer at the DWP to divert and attempt to divert payments to two separate bank accounts, Bolton Crown Court heard. The report of the case did not provide any reason for his crime.
Another man to turned to crime because of the benefits system was Kenneth Bright. He raided stores in Paisley so he could sell his loot to buy food as his Universal Credit claim had been delayed for reasons that are not provided in this report. With no income, and therefore no means of sustaining himself, he turned to crime.
I seem to recall suggesting that people would be forced into crime by the Tory benefit system, years ago. This means that the Conservatives’ attack on benefit claimants is putting greater pressure on the police service – a service that has itself been starved – of 21,000 police officers since 2010. Forces across the UK are now incapable of handling the rising tide of crime caused by Conservative penny-pinching, meaning that reports of serious crimes have skyrocketed.
And the police service is not alone in being starved of valuable resources. What about the NHS? Theresa May claimed it is to receive its biggest cash boost ever, despite the fact that the current Conservative government is responsible for the lowest increases in health service funding since records began and the new cash is supposed to come from a so-called “Brexit dividend” that we all know will never happen. It must be enjoying a boost in staffing and performance, right?
Wrong. Record numbers of midwives – for example – have quit over the pressure of work, leaving those who are left to struggle with an even greater workload as the cash-starved service is failing to attract new employees.
According to the Daily Mirror‘s report (see the link below), “1,649 midwives said lack of time away from work was the reason for leaving their jobs over the past five years. They are among almost 3,000 to quit the health service every year, although some continue working in the profession. The RCM [Royal College of Midwives] estimates a current shortfall of around 3,500 midwives in the NHS.”
Thousands of midwives have quit over stress of the job
When will this government realise that they cannot keep taking advantage of dedicated NHS staff?
Please RT if you’re grateful to all NHS workers, past and present
— NHS Million (@NHSMillion) February 9, 2019
And Theresa May’s ambitious plans for the NHS? She unveiled a 10-year plan for it last month “but hospital leaders immediately branded it ‘undeliverable’ unless staffing gaps are plugged.”
Finally, let us consider our schools, which are being starved of teachers because salaries have fallen by 10 per cent since 2003. In real terms, teachers have become £4,000 a year worse-off since the Conservatives took office in 2010.
“Teachers are right to be angry that years of Tory pay cuts have left them thousands of pounds a year worse off.” – @AngelaRayner
— Labour Press (@labourpress) February 9, 2019
Government admit that teachers’ pay has been cut by thousands of pounds a year since 2010 @AngelaRayner
— Labour Press (@labourpress) February 9, 2019
These are the facts of the Tory attack on the people of the United Kingdom – an attack that has seen the education service starved of teachers, the health service starved of nurses, crime spiralling out of control and its victims starved of justice, and benefit claimants starved to death.
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2023, when rollout is expected to be complete.they wont make this deadline has they still having trouble with this software crashing hmmm uc just another part of aktion t4 culling the stock through benefits denial
If all the cuts went towards reducing the Naional debt it would’t be so bad but it’s still rising – so where did all the money go?
Osborne sold off what assets (income) we had including the UK’s half of the Eurotunnel – now they are threatening to sue over Brecit and it’s costing a min £800k.
Seems to me that Solicitors and Financiers are the only ones benefitting from austerity.
if this was the USA I’m sure there would be assassinations going on . .
God forbid any of these actions are taken in the UK . .
But this evil Govt don’t give a damn
about the poor,the sick,the disabled,the workless,rough sleepers,homeless, the working having to top up with Tax Credits,zero hours contracts,foodbanks, lower class/middle class act etc
all they do is lie as shown on PMQ. . . . makes my blood boil . . . .
Good piece Mike, retweeted.
Online around where I live means having the money to pay for transport to the nearest library as well as having the physical strength to get there. It also means being able to afford internet access to seach for jobs and apply for benefits and the money to be able to afford a phone connexion ie a smart phone. Where do you start?
I have recently been made aware that claimants on Universal Credit who have only just begun to learn how to use a computer have been told that they are responsible for the upkeep and accuracy of their online account. This includes reporting any mistakes made (either by themselves or by the DWP).
It seems that the responsibility is being put squarely on the shoulders of the claimant regardless of how skilled they are at using a computer.
One claimant was told that a mistake had been found on his account and was called into the office only to find that he was sitting in front of a panel of three interviewers who told him that failure to report an error could result in him being given a fine (or as they call it a ‘civil’ penalty).
This claimant was told that the error was picked up by a worker at another office and informed that as many as 100 members of staff could have access to his account which raises concerns about data security.
John Costello
Activist for ‘We Are Shadows’
I am 78 now, and feel let down by this tory government, first of all they can’t even keep us safe ( by cutting Police funding ).At 78 I need to feel safe in my own home! A little while ago I called an ambulance, I waited one and a half hours ,and it didn’t turn up! All of our social services have been cut,local government funding has been slashed so they can no longer cope with our social needs.Don’t mention Brexit, what a mess..
What baffles me, and has done for decades, is why on earth do working class people still vote for these evil Tories?