Storm in an inkpot: Here’s the reason it doesn’t matter if Corbyn left People’s Vote out of his Brexit letter

Jeremy Corbyn writing: No wonder his letter omitted the paragraph about the People’s Vote – he was distracted by a pesky photographer.
Some people get all wound up about the strangest things.
Take the current fake reason for being upset at Jeremy Corbyn – he’s supposed to have left a threat to force a “People’s Vote” referendum, if his demands aren’t met, out of his letter proposing a way forward for Brexit to Theresa May.
It’s not a big deal.
The letter was proposing a way to achieve the UK’s departure from the EU, on time, in a manner that has the support of a majority of MPs – it wasn’t about threatening another referendum on whether to go.
The omission doesn’t mean a “People’s Vote” is off Labour’s agenda – Mr Corbyn can go for it without having announced it in his letter.
And the source of this manufactured outrage is extremely dodgy.
Apparently it comes from Robert Peston – the same Peston who recently claimed (sans evidence, of course) that Labour Party membership has fallen dramatically.
I wrote at the time that any un-evidenced claims – from any source at all, including mainstream media types like Peston – must be treated as false.
And the slapdown Peston received from Labour’s own press team supports my position:
This is simply not true. These numbers are all invented. Some attention to the basic rules of reporting would help avoid these mistakes.
— Labour Press (@labourpress) February 4, 2019
Mrs May has jumped on Peston’s bandwagon – here’s her tweet, including images of her letter responding to Mr Corbyn’s offer:
My response to @jeremycorbyn’s letter on Brexit where he commits to secure a deal – rather than a second referendum or general election.
But I have also asked why he seeks a say in EU trade deals, rather than pursuing our own independent trade deals outside a customs union.
— Theresa May (@theresa_may) February 11, 2019
Why did it take her so long to respond? I seem to recall Mr Corbyn delivered his offer early last week. Has she been stalling again?
Perhaps it should be pointed out that the only people criticising Mr Corbyn are right-wingers and supporters of right-wing politics – and the responses they’re getting are negative, to say the least. Consider:
There’s no majority for a #PeoplesVote so stop s*** stirring!
— MM (@2SpencerRoad) February 11, 2019
Tin Eared Theresa pretends her door is open to Corbyn.
But writes a letter to the press with her (negative) response.
She doesn’t speak to Corbyn. She writes a letter to her right wing press!
Let that sink in.
— Ron Moore MP (@RonMooreMoreRon) February 11, 2019
As for Mrs May’s response… Well, I’ll let some of the commentators speak for themselves here:
Theresa May delivers a polite f*** you to Corbyn over Customs Union. Any union leader, and any Labour MP, who wants to consider "asking Parliament whether it wishes to follow suit" over EU workers rights … is doing the dirty work for Tory Brexit.
— Paul Mason (@paulmasonnews) February 10, 2019
Well there's a surprise – Theresa May has rejected Jeremy Corbyn's proposal of a customs union in exchange for Labour support. She will now proceed to waste time in an attempt to blackmail parliament into backing her deal, unchanged. The Tories put party before country as ever.
— Damien Willey 🟢 🔴 (@KernowDamo) February 10, 2019
She won’t get what she wants.
Mr Corbyn’s offer was really the last attempt to secure any kind of sensible departure from the European Union. We won’t go on Theresa May’s terms because Parliament has rejected her original deal and the EU has rejected the contradictory, modified offer she brought there last week.
She has painted herself into a corner, surrounded by her own red lines.
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We had the peoples vote in 2016 a minority refuse to accept it and are demanding an elitist losers vote they call the peoples vote, but if they refuse to accept the outcome of the 2016 vote why would anyone accept the outcome of a vote designed to overturn a democratic vote?
Do you agree that it’s a shame there was no attempt to establish any “losers’ consent” but only demonisation of people who wanted to stay in the EU as “Remoaners” (and other pejorative names)?