May cannot get support for any deal. Why is she bothering to go back to Brussels?

Behind bars: It’s a shame these are only railings – Theresa May belongs in jail for her criminal behaviour over Brexit.
Is anybody else now thoroughly confused by Theresa May’s behaviour over Brexit?
She cannot expect enough support from her own party because Jacob Rees-Mogg’s European Research Group (ERG) won’t accept any plan that rules out a “no deal” exit from the European Union.
She cannot expect any support from Labour because that party won’t accept any plan that allows no deal.
She cannot rely on support from the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) that has been propping up her useless government for more than a year and a half because it doesn’t support the Northern Irish border “backstop” that would give NI different status from the rest of the UK. Her attempt to get support for a renegotiation of that arrangement is what triggered the ERG rebellion.
And she cannot expect the European Union to support anything she brings to the table because the other 27 EU countries know she cannot command the support of a majority of Parliament.
But she is determined to go back to Brussels to nag our neighbours about it anyway.
Why? There is absolutely no point.
That’s what I’m getting from the reports of her defeat in Parliament yesterday (like this one).
Granted, the vote yesterday (February 14) was non-binding – but it was intended to provide guidance to Mrs May on what to do next, and she has vowed to ignore it.
She didn’t even bother to return to the Commons chamber for the result of the vote (303 against her plan; 258 in favour).
The most crucial development was the government’s agreement that it will publish the advice it has received on the effects the UK economy will experience of a “no deal” Brexit.
It will make us all aware of exactly what kind of precipice Mrs May is recklessly determined to drag us over.
After more than two years, Mrs May has achieved nothing. Now there are only weeks left and she has nowhere to go and nothing to say.
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Send for the men in white coats – get her sectioned as a danger to the public.
She wants a ‘bump-out’ Brexit.
is it too late for a another snap GE?