If you haven’t seen Stephen Fry’s new Brexit video yet, you should

Stephen Fry: There hasn’t been a poll on this (to the best of my knowledge) but it is still possible that somebody might not know what he looks like.
Stephen Fry has made another video about Brexit, following Facts vs Fear, which appeared last December.
In it, he skewers Theresa May’s claim that she is acting on behalf of all the people of the UK by pushing her version of a Brexit deal at us and refusing to compromise on it.
See for yourself:
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All I have to say is that if a people’s vote is called, then the outcome must be clear. For me 55% and over is a clear instruction.
Well it is Merkel treaty not ours only thing that surprises me is that they don’t want to salt all our fields before we go.
What on earth are you talking about Barry? What has Merkel got to do with it?
A second referendum must be free from the barefaced lies, the cheating and the outright fraud practiced by the extremely dubious characters in the Leave camp.