Pascal Lamy’s verdict on Iain Duncan Smith’s idea of Brexit is priceless

Last Updated: April 30, 2019By

The BBC’s Politics Live is not normally the place to go for incisive political debate, or even satire. Mostly it’s just a gang of right-wingers sitting around a table saying how great the Tories are and how awful Jeremy Corbyn is.

But that changed when former World Trade Organisation director Pascal Lamy was brought in to debate Brexit with, among others, former Conservative Party leader Iain Duncan Smith.

Mr Lamy’s responses made my day. Here’s a quick snapshot:

I believe this edition of Politics Live will remain on the BBC’s iPlayer for a while. Catch it before they edit the segment out!

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  1. SteveH April 30, 2019 at 2:10 am - Reply

    It was absolutely bloody hilarious, unfortunately I had a mouth full of tea at the time.

  2. nmac064 April 30, 2019 at 11:23 am - Reply

    Great stuff, really good to see the corrupt criminal Duncan-Smith well and truly ridiculed,

  3. Gary April 30, 2019 at 11:21 pm - Reply

    Your point about bias is interesting but I fear doesn’t give the full picture. Tories also feel that the BBC is biased against them, as do UKIP and/or Brexit supporters.

    They can’t ALL be correct, can they?

    Well yes, they are.

    It’s extremely difficult to see bias against a point of view that you don’t share. And that is quite insidious as no matter how much you may disagree with another point of view it has the right to be reported on without being made out to be unreasonable or stupid.

    The BBC for it’s part will (falsely) point to and use complaints made by other parties as evidence that they can’t possibly be biased. Not so.

    The BBC, with the exception of Question Time, is biased in FAVOUR of a point of view and attacks everything else. It favours an extreme right wing Labour position, as espoused by Tony Blair, it is biased in favour of REMAIN, it is biased against SNP and any points that could be made in favour of Scottish, Welsh and NI independence or reunification. It is not that it recognises ‘status quo’ which would be reasonable it is that those points that can be reasonably be made in favour of those things are presented as being wrong, unreasonable and far fetched, even when they are not.

    You will see the same stories pop up on a regular basis about NHS and education, almost like they’ve been fed to the BBC without them having to investigate or check facts.

    I’m NOT a Tory but there IS bias against certain Tory points of view on the BBC and THAT SHOULD be as worrisome as bias against Corbyn. Although I have seldom seen such a smear campaign run against a party leader by ANYONE let alone a ‘news’ organisation.

    The BBC is not a ‘trusted news source’ nor can it now even be considered a source or news. It is telling us what to think, how to vote and who to vote for within political parties. The best thing ANYONE can do is turn OFF their telelvision and stop watching this nonsense.

    The only exception to any of this is Question Time. Under Dimbleby they were EVEN MORE BIASED but this time in favour of Brexit. Farage was given a platform from which to build support. He may have been the most frequent guest I can remember, and this was when they were almost unheard of. It is thanks to QT that Brexit becam a reality. Now we hear that Britain’s THRID LARGEST PARLIAMENTARY PARTY has been prevented from being given a place of future panels on QT. SNP have more seats than Lib Dems but are ignored in favour of them despite having more control over Britain’s future. It is not only SNP but all ‘regional’ parties who have been banned now. However, this means Briain’s third largest parliamentary party is voiceless and that Scottish people watching are left without most of their representatives having a voice on the national broadcaster.

    Chances are you don’t vote SNP but you SHOULD worry when the BBC deliberately silences it.

    If you tolerate things as they stand it WILL be your party next, YOUR VOICE which will be silenced…

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