Ever wonder how the Tories keep themselves on top? Here’s how

This woman has been prime minister for nearly three years – not because she is any good at it – she isn’t – but because the people of the UK have been told, throughout that time, that there’s nobody better.
The easiest way for a political party to keep itself high in the opinion polls is to set the agenda for public debate and then tell people what to think.
The easiest way to tell people what to think is by dominating the mass media.
And the easiest way to dominate the mass media is by ensuring it is full of your cronies.
The BBC’s news team is run by Tories, as has been explained many times before – here and elsewhere.
And so are many of the private companies that make programmes for the BBC – like Mentorn, the maker of Question Time
That’s probably how this happened:
Why is former Tory MSP Mary Scanlon – 1999 to 2016 – pretending to be an audience punter on #BBCQT? pic.twitter.com/fPqlrB1Fcr
— Stewart McDonald MP (@StewartMcDonald) May 16, 2019
And this:
#bbcqt 16th May 2019…..@conservatives flood the audience….. pic.twitter.com/o36UGpAiFR
— Parliament View (@parliamentview) May 17, 2019
This happens week after week, and not just on QT. Not only is the panel stuffed with right-wingers – so is the audience.
Then they tell us all what to think, and dissenting voices are treated as foolish, or childish.
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well i must be a dissenting voice then because whenever i get a survey or poll asking things that are obviously tories questioning… i do all i can to let them know what I think.i assume its thrown out as it doesnt give them the answers they obviously want but i feel better for it.lol. and that one that keeps popping up both in surveys and on facebook etc. who do youthink would make the best prime minister jeremy corbyn or teresa may? obviously its not the latter. and do you think teresa may is doing a good job .. do you think jeremy corbyn is doing a good job., again foregone conclusion. even if she WAS doing even a reasonable job i wouldnt give her the satisfaction of being told she is. yes im biased. very biased.
I’m glad I don’t contribute to Mentorn and BBC – no TV and no TV Licence.
for years i barely watched tv.sunday nights fot an hour (dancing on ice/mr selfrodge/downton abbey etc during the winter months only though,then this winter i found myself having to sit with my legs up for long periods of time, which meant no computer. as its a desk top. laptop screens are too small for my ageing eyes anyway. so on went the tv, whole mornings,afternoons and evenings of various murder mysteries from way back. midsummer murders, murder she wrote, endeavour, vera, DCI Banks. inspector morse, columbo , heartbeat (the latter a bit lighter offering but with more than the odd murder laced with other lesser crimes so more entertaining,) i am over 75 so can enjoy watching without paying for a licence for the past 8 months. (though if this govt have their way it wont last much longer or so im hearing). nevertheless ive been glad of that tv this past few months and still watch it at some part of the day because sitting here on my pc means my feet swell up so have to go sit with feet up for an hour or two to let them return to normal. tv has its uses. lol. II do NOT watch BBC at all. always itv or itv3,, US5 channel or Drama. thats it. (not sure if drama is itv or BBC. though i think they have adverts so possibly not BBC.)
Boycott the BBC – myself and my family did some years ago.
The BBC is essentially an Establishment mouthpiece, infested with MI5 agents used when needed to dupe the public. I have seen evidence of this in relation to other matters not directly related to Politics, but with regard to more controversial subjects such as the UFO and Crop Circle phenomenas, with disinfo and blatant untruths peddled by the BBC at opportune moments, done so successfully that few people will take my comment seriously.
A bit paranoid IMO but interesting info abt the Tories packing QT audiences. Surely the answer is if they do why do not we?
Other parties can’t because they don’t have the production company on their side. That’s the point I’m making.
Perhaps it’s not looking quite so paranoid now?