Brexit Party launches legal challenge against by-election result. What the…?

Shurely shome mishtake? Nigel Farage’s demand for an inquiry into Peterborough by-election result contradicts his entire strategy over the EU referendum.
Does nobody else find it hypocritical in the extreme that the Brexit Party is challenging the result of a public vote?
On this occasion, it’s the vote that put a Labour MP on the Peterborough Parliamentary seat with an increased majority of 683 after a by-election this month.
Apparently the evidence on which Nigel Farage is demanding an inquiry is so weak it includes a rumour on the day of the election that Labour would win by 500 votes. Idle chatter is now grounds to challenge an election, then.
We’ll remember this tactic if the Brexit Party dares to bring a candidate to Brecon and Radnorshire.
His comments on the matter are pure waffle: “This is about a lot more than Peterborough. It is about a system that is wide open to corruption, to intimidation, to bribery, to abuse on a whole number of levels. I have mentioned this a number of times in the past.” Meaningless.
As the Politics Live pundits would say, the “optics” on this are disastrous:
We’re seeing the party that said “you lost – get over it” about the EU referendum failing to get over its own loss in a by-election.
Remember all the times Mr Farage and his Brexiteers said Remainers only wanted a second referendum because they didn’t get their own way in the first?
Isn’t he demanding exactly the same thing now?
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Farage doesn’t mind lying and cheating to get his way, but even an unfounded rumour that the tables have been turned on him have the odious little man champing at the bit.
He’s like Trump, denying the facts by shouting “fake news”. These people live in a topsy-turvy world, they try to turn reality on its head, it’s a deliberate tactic to cause confusion.
I guess he never got over losing out on his Thanet seat attempt when the Tories threw every trick in the book to ensure he never got a look in on their play book.
This is simply Farage judging others by his own standards.
Acusations tend to tell a lot more about the acuser than the acusee..
A common right-wing tactic, Tories do it all the time !
wot a sorry sad thing he is….
£ike I’ve said, many times; who is he, anyway?
He’s the public face of modern day Fascism.
They’re STILL annoyed about how Channel 4 exposed the shenanigans of the Vote Leave Campaign. They fail to understand that what Channel 4 did was carefully collect evidence and then present it. They allege that Remain did exactly the same. For all I know, they’re right, but what they HAVEN’T done is to collect ANY evidence to back this up. You hear it al the time on TV cop shows that they can’t go on a ‘fishing expedition’ and I imagine this is applicable here too!
I’m not, however, saying that their fears are unjustified. The system IS wide open to abuse. Party activists often go to places like nursing homes to assist residents with their voting. It’s easy to imagine that their are many residents have issues with sight like, for example, cataracts. That would prevent them from being able to read their ballot properly. Others may have arthritis in their hands, preventing them from being properly able to put a cross in the box of their choice. In previous voting scandals their have been reports of 100% turnouts in elderly housing where at least one had died prior to the vote. We already know that activists have voted for resident who are unconscious, unable to understand what is going on or mislead those who either can’t see or can’t sign themselves. ALL of this has already happened. Something SHOULD be done. In seats where the majority is in the hundreds this COULD make a difference, we know from previous scandals that this has already happened too.
Just because the people saying this are people we don’t like, doesn’t mean it’s not a REAL and worrying issue.
Big parties have many activists and a slick campaigning machine, lots of dodgy stuff happens out of sight. The real reason it’s not mentioned is the same reason none of the big parties wished to talk about the ‘Battle Buses’ scam ie they’re ALL at it.
Even those we despise can be right, now and again…