Outrage over Chris Williamson’s reinstatement reveals more Labour MPs are ripe for deselection

Chris Williamson: His suspension has been lifted despite the hatred of people who should be on his side but aren’t. Now, why could that possibly be?
This Writer is delighted to learn that Chris Williamson’s suspension from Labour Party membership has ended.
But I am disappointed that a sub-group of the party’s National Executive Committee did not dismiss the allegations of anti-Semitism against him altogether.
He had been demonised by troublemakers in the party after making a speech saying that Labour had been “too apologetic” over accusations of anti-Semitism.
It seems this was perverted by the malcontents into a claim that he was saying the party should not apologise for having anti-Semitic members, which was not what he said at all.
As I stated at the time: ‘His speech was making the point that perfectly innocent people are being “demonised” as “racist” and “bigoted” – and I think he was right to say that Labour’s response is partly responsible for that because party leaders have been too ready to accept accusations as proof of guilt. They have encouraged the witch-hunt by doing so.
‘To me, he seemed to be advocating a stronger, more balanced response: Yes, genuine anti-Semites should be penalised appropriately. But false accusations should also be met with an appropriate response.
‘My personal opinion is that false accusations – especially contrived, convoluted claims such as the nonsense concocted against myself, Jackie Walker and some others – deserve to be investigated, and the people who made them subjected to the same disciplinary procedure they forced unnecessarily on the innocent.’
Sadly, Labour has bottled it yet again.
And the usual suspects have crawled out of the woodwork to make their odious claims – both about Mr Williamson and about alleged anti-Semitism in their party.
This may be a miscalculation, at a time when rank-and-file Labour members in constituency parties across the country are preparing to decide whether to force their MPs to face a re-selection process they may lose.
So step forward for deselection, Ruth “not comfortable being in the same room” Smeeth.
Step forward, Margaret “turning a blind eye to Jew-hate” Hodge.
Step forward, Jess “disgusted but not surprised” Phillips, Stella Creasy, and Wes Streeting.
Those are just the MPs who have made their bias publicly known.
Possibly worse than their comments is the accusation against the sub-committee that reinstated Mr Williamson:
When the 3-person panel met today it was instead comprised of Keith Vaz, George Howarth & Houda Elmi. The new panel voted to overlook recommendations from Labour staff that the matter be referred to the NCC, who have power to expel. (2/3)
— Tom Rayner (@Tom_Rayner) June 26, 2019
In original panel Lansman & Howarth were both expected to vote in favour of the case being sent to the NCC for the issue of expulsion to be considered. In the panel that ended up taking the decision, it is understood that Keith Vaz and Houda Elmi voted instead for formal warning
— Tom Rayner (@Tom_Rayner) June 26, 2019
The claim is that the two who voted for a formal warning and reinstatement did so in the belief that there could be a snap general election soon, and Mr Williamson should stand in it.
But I don’t think it holds up. Mr Vaz is a member of Labour’s right wing and Chris Williamson belongs firmly to the left. They are on opposite sides of a schism that has been extremely painful for the party and its members for many years. So why should Mr Vaz support Mr Williamson, unless he saw a much more compelling reason?
And consider this: Another NEC member is quoted by The Guardian as saying that Mr Williamson could not himself face a trigger ballot for re-selection while his membership had been suspended, but now he has been reinstated, he could be deselected. The member saying those words added that they hoped this would happen.
The Guardian piece also features a scurrilous piece of nonsense by Jewish Labour Movement chair Mike Katz, which provides more evidence in favour of that organisation being disaffiliated from the Labour Party altogether. Apparently he said: “It seems the decision to let him off is because he represents a marginal seat and there might be a snap election. It’s good to know that a party of anti-racists, led by an avowed anti-racist decides it’s OK to ignore anti-Jewish racism if there’s a vote to be won.”
What “anti-Jewish racism”?
As Harry Tuttle stated on Twitter: “Chris Williamson stood by left wing Jews wrongly accused of antisemitism. Anyone claiming to stand against Chris on behalf of the “Jewish community” is treating us as a monolith and is being racist.”
The worst hypocrisy of all – of course – was that of Tory leadership candidate and prime ministerial hopeful Boris Johnson. He tweeted: “Shameful that Labour have reinstated this key Corbyn ally back into their party after his appalling remarks. We must never allow these apologists for anti-Semitism anywhere near government.”
Jewish Labour supporter Tony Greenstein put this pee-wee of a prime-ministerial candidate firmly in his place with a series of tweets, starting with this: “@borisjohnson criticism of @DerbyChrisW reinstatement tells u everything u need 2 know about the false antisemitism campaign. A man who described Black people as having ‘water melon smiles’ and ‘picanninies’ and Muslim women as ‘letterboxes’ is apparently opposed to antisemitism.”
He continued: “The fact that racist @borisjohnson can pontificate about ‘antisemitism’ should tell you all you need to know about the fake antisemitism allegations – he is a friend of Steve Bannon, admires Viktor Orban and admires genuine antisemites – his only problem is with anti-Zionists.”
And he concluded: “You couldn’t make it up – this racist shitbag criticises a man who has been a fervent anti-racist – this is proof that the ‘antisemitism’ smears are about Israel not Jews.”
It’s certainly about people using fake accusations to smear their political enemies. This case simply clarifies that.
Source: Labour anti-Semitism row: Chris Williamson allowed back into party – BBC News
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This practice of turning reality on its head needs to stop. This is how the Rightwing works, redefine truth to obscure the facts to their own political advantage. An old tactic used by Hitler, now used by Boris, Farage, Trump et al.
I note that a group, purporting to be Labour members from Derby ‘against hate’ popped up only yesterday, to campaign for his deselection.
I just wrote to Jennie Formby expressing my support for Chris, as there is now a concerted campaign to get him suspended again.
Ruth Smeeth is rarely, it seems, interested in evidence.
She helped Trump to destroy the INF missile treaty using unproven claims of Russian non-compliance.
According to Edward Snowden, Ruth Smeeth is a CIA asset.
Labour should stop all the internecine squabbling otherwise the scumbag Johnson could well win the following general election. Labour MPs should acknowledge that Corbyn is the elected leader and back him to the hilt.
It’s has u right but partial justice hmmm let’s rid ourselves of these blairites the greedie ones of labour